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Translated & titled SAP®-BADIs beginning with ...:  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X

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BADI                         Title                                                          .

S2L_GROUP_PLNG_ITEMS         User-specific Grouping for Planning Elements                   .
S2L_PLNG_ITEM_EXTEN          Extension of Output Structure for Planning Elements            .
S2L_PLNG_SEG_EXTEN           Extension of Output Structure for Supply Segments              .
S2L_PLN_CALC_FACTORY         MIssing Qty Calculation for Automatic Supply-to-Production     .
S2L_PROPOSAL_CREATOR         BAdI for Replenishment Creation                                .
S2L_PSEG_CTR_FACTORY         Planning Control for Supply Segment                            .
S95_ALERT_NOTIFICATN         S95: Alerts and Notifications                                  .
S95_ENHANCEMENTS             ANSI/ISA S95 Message Processing: Enhancements                  .
SAPLJ1BN_EXIT                Units of Measure in Notas Fiscaís (Brazil)                     .
SAPMJBMUADDIN                ETD Required/Optional Control Add-In                           .
SAVE_ADD_SHOPDATA_E          BAdI to Save Customer Tables for Shops                         .
SBCOS001                     Enhanced Feedback (Call SAP Support)                           .
SCAL_CONVERT_DATE            Exit to Date Conversion                                        .
SCC4_ENH_BADI                SCC4 Client Administration Enhancement                         .
SCMA_FLOW_AUTH               Schedule Manager: Authorization Check for Flow Definition      .
SCMA_FLOW_TRANSPORT          Postprocessing of a Transport Request for Flow Definition      .
SCMA_TREE_STATUS             Status in Task List of Schedule Manager                        .
SCMG_ACTION_PROF_SRCH_BADI   BADI to customize criteria for Action Profile F4 Help          .
SCMG_ARCH_DEL_INTERN         BADI for performing additional activities when deleting        .
SCMG_ARCH_PREPROCESS         Customer Defines Additional Archiving Criteria                 .
SCMG_AUTHORITY_C             Case: Authorization Check                                      .
SCMG_BEFORE_VALID_C          Change Case Before Validation                                  .
SCMG_CASE_EVENT_S            Case: After Case                                               .
SCMG_CASE_FCODE_S            Case Frontend: Non-Standard Pushbutton                         .
SCMG_CASE_TYPE_DEF_C         Default for Case Type                                          .
SCMG_CHNG_BFR_STR_C          Changes at Save Only (Type 2)                                  .
SCMG_DELETE_C                Event after Deletion of a Case                                 .
SCMG_INITIALIZE_C            Initialization of Case Attributes (Type 2)                     .
SCMG_MERGE_C                 Merging Two Cases into One                                     .
SCMG_MODL_ACTIVITY_S         Publish and Process Model Actvitities                          .
SCMG_SPLIT_C                 Splitting One Case into Two Cases                              .
SCMG_STORE_S                 Event After Saved Case: Change Own Table                       .
SCMG_VALIDATE_C              Additional Checks on Case                                      .
SCMG_VISUALIZATION_C         Control Case Attributes Display                                .
SCMG_VLDT_BFR_STR_C          Attribute Checks for Save Only                                 .
SCM_CMX_DA_SRV               Manufacturing Data Access: Register Services                   .
SCM_CMX_POC_AUTH             Extended Authorization Check for the PI Sheet Context Menu     .
SCM_CMX_POC_TITLEBAR         Customizing of Title Bar in CO60                               .
SCM_OPC_HANDLER              OPC: BAdI for OPC Event Handler Determination                  .
SCM_TRM_TO_CANCEL3_D         Check TO Cancellation                                          .
SCM_TRM_TO_CANCEL5_D         Check TO Cancellation                                          .
SD_CIN_LV60AU02              BADI for billing                                               .
SD_COM_COUNTRY               BAdI to fill country.-specific fields in Pricing               .
SD_COND_ACCESS_A             Access in Pricing (replacement)                                .
SD_COND_LOAD_MVA             SD_COND_LOAD_MVA    DExit for Loading Multiple-Value Attributes.
SD_COND_SAVE_A               Save condition application A, E                                .
SD_KONV_SELECT               Addition to Data When Reading KONV                             .
SECURITY_ACCOUNT_TRS         Extension of Security Account Master Data                      .
SEEF_BADI_TEST_DEF3_B        Multiple Use, Integer Filter                                   .
SEEF_BADI_TEST_DEF3_C        Single Use, Limited Filter                                     .
SEEF_BADI_TEST_DEF5_A        Integer Filter, limited usage                                  .
SEM_BIC_DERIVATIONS          Automatic Derivation of Characteristics                        .
SEM_CPM_FORMULA              Formula                                                        .
SEM_CPM_MM_CHANGE            Mass Maintenance: Action                                       .
SEM_CPM_MM_SEARCH            Mass Maintenance: Search Method                                .
SEM_CPM_PRESENTATION         SEM-CPM Applications                                           .
SET_FOEV_FUNC_BRF            Add Functions to the SAP Formula Editor Expression of BRF      .
SET_RELEASE_PROFILE          Modify Release Profiles and Assignments before Transm.         .
SET_STORE_NUMBER_E           Change Internally Assigned Number for Dept. Store/Shop         .
SFW_BFSET_SELECTED           Check whether business function can be activated               .
SFW_BFUNC_SWITCHED           Check whether a business function can be activated             .
SFW_CHECK_BEFORE_SAVE        Check before saving in SFW5                                    .
SFW_UPGRADE                  Deactivate business functions before BC set activation         .
SFW_UPGRADE2                 Deactivate business functions after BC set activation          .
SHLP_EXIT_PREPARE            provide information for search help exits                      .
SHOPADDSCREEN_E              Maintain Customer-Specific Data During Shop Creation           .
SIDAT_UPDATE                 Change date of price simulation                                .
SIND_CONFIG_CHECK_BADI       Badi for Industry Configuration Check                          .
SLL_PI_MM0A_TRANSFER         GTS Transfer MM Purchasing Document                            .
SLL_PI_MM0B_TRANSFER         GTS Transfer MM Inbound Delivery                               .
SLL_PI_MM0C_TRANSFER         GTS Transfer MM Material Document                              .
SLL_PI_SD0A_TRANSFER         GTS Transfer SD Sales Document                                 .
SLL_PI_SD0B_TRANSFER         GTS Transfer SD Outbound Deliveries                            .
SLL_PI_SD0C_TRANSFER         GTS Transfer SD Billing Documents                              .
SLL_PI_TEMP_STORAGE          GTS Storage                                                    .
SMI_DATA_EXTRA               BAdI: RSMIPROACT Report                                        .
SMI_IDOC_DELVRY_OUT          BAdI: Report RSMIPROACT (IDoc DELVRY03)                        .
SMI_IDOC_PROACT_OUT          BAdI: Report RSMIPROACT (IDoc PROACT01)                        .
SMOD_AD010006                Menu exit: Change DI value                                     .
SMOD_ECSBTO01                IS-U: move-out: determine default values                       .
SMOD_ECSBTO02                IS-U Move-Out: User-Defined Checks                             .
SMOD_EDMLELPV                IS-U: Default Values for Period Consumption                    .
SMOD_EMDK0001                IS-U: Contract - Subscreen Integration and Field Check         .
SMOD_EWAPRP01                IS-U-WA: Definition of Customer Property Fields                .
SMOD_FMCFBUD1                BAdI: Calculation of Maximum Amount for Budget Carryover       .
SMOD_FMCFBUD2                BAdI: Budget Carryforward of Negative Budget Values            .
SMOD_FVDDEBOL                Customer Checks for Borrower Change                            .
SMOD_FVDDEBUI                User Exits for Borrower Change                                 .
SMOD_FVDREPF4                User Exits Payoff UI Level: F4 Helps                           .
SMOD_FVDREPOL                User Exits: Payoff - Object Layer                              .
SMOD_FVDREPU1                User Exits for Payoff UI Level: Administration Data            .
SMOD_FVDREPU2                User Exits for Payoff - User Interface Level: Customer Tabs    .
SMOD_FVDREPU3                User Exits for Payoff UI Level: Item Overview                  .
SMOD_JKSOD001                IS-M/SD: Abbreviated Dialogs for Order                         .
SMOD_LWVK1001                Extend Communication Structure KOMK for Pricing                .
SMOD_LWVK1002                Extend Communication Structure KOMP for Pricing                .
SMOD_MPRO0004                Postprocessing of forecast errors and exception messages       .
SMOD_MRFLB001                Control Items for Contract Release Order                       .
SMOD_NIWE0003                Loss-Free Valuation                                            .
SMOD_OIJTKT_N                OIL-TSW: Screen Exits for the new Ticket  Transaction          .
SMOD_PC20AARG                Customer exits for AA-registeret                               .
SMOD_PC20CERC                Customer exits for RPCERCV0_02                                 .
SMOD_PC20SSB1                Customer Exists for Norwegian SSB statistical reporting        .
SMOD_PCPO0001                Control Posting of Payroll Results to FI                       .
SMOD_PSCVL001                PSC Enhancements                                               .
SMOD_RFTBCOEX                CFM: Enhancement of Transaction Confirmations/Dealing Slips    .
SMOD_RSR00004                BW: RRI Field Mapping                                          .
SMOD_SAPLFM71                FM acct assgnt in maintenance order on trans./compon.-level    .
SMOD_SAPLFMRI                BAdI: User Exit Target/Actual Update                           .
SMOD_TRTMDF01                Treasury management market data: Exchange rate interface       .
SMOD_V50B0001                User Exit for BAPI Duplication / Verification of Deliveries    .
SMP_SOURCE_SAVED             GUI Interface: Interface saved                                 .
SMUM_ASSIGN_ROLE             BADI - Assign role(s) to a user                                .
SMUM_USER_CHANGE             Change user data from C1 data                                  .
SMUM_USER_CREATE             Create user from C1 data                                       .
SMUM_USER_DELETE             Delete the user                                                .
SMUM_USR_CHANGE_POST         Postprocessing BADI for USER_CHANGE                            .
SMUM_USR_CREATE_POST         Postprocessing BADI for USER_CREATE                            .
SOBL_GOS_BROWSER             Application Spec. Funct. in GOS Rltnshps and Attachment List   .
SOLAR_DOCUMENT_SOLMAN_CALLS  Solution Manager Function Calls                                .
SPC_DOCINDEX_CONTROL         Sls Price Calculation: Creation Control of Document Indices    .
SPC_POSTING_CONTROL          Sales Price Calculation: Condition Posting Control             .
SPC_SEL_CHECK                Individual Selection of Material/Org. Level in Sales Pricing   .
SPI_TOOL                     PMI: BAdI as Instance Factory for the Component Tools          .
SPP_CHECK_RETPART            Returnable part verification                                   .
SPRX_BADI_ACTIVATION         Proxy activated                                                .
SPRX_BADI_GENERATION_ALLOWED BADI Definition for generation allowed check                   .
SPRX_PROXY_NAMEPROPOSAL      Name proposal                                                  .
SRMGS_DOCUMENT               Document BADI: Generic SP                                      .
SRM_AL_AUTHORIZATION         SRM: BADI for SP AL Authorization Check                        .
SRM_AL_GDMA_DM_PROP          SRM: BADI for SP AL Implementation GDMA IF_DM_PROPERTIES       .
SRM_AL_OBJ_KEY_C             Customer exit for assigning object key                         .
SRM_CALL_HANDLE_EXC          Exception Handling for the FM Call Handler                     .
SRM_DOC_AUTH_C               Customer exit for activity authorization on SP Document        .
SRM_KPRO_ARCHIVE_PRE         customer check if document should be archived                  .
SRM_SWISSKNIFE_ADDON         Obsolete Since WebAS 6.40 - BAdI Function Group SwissKnife     .
SRM_WF_PATH_ENH              Exits for Process Route                                        .
SRM_WF_PATH_SEARCH           Influence Setting of Agent in Process Route                    .
SROLEMAN_BADI_AUTH_CHECK     Role Manager: Check authorizations                             .
SROLEMAN_BADI_AUTH_GET       Role Manager: Determine authorizations                         .
SRS_CUSTSRC_PBO_SUB          SAP Retail Store: Customer Search PBO Subscreen                .
SRS_GR_FIELD                 SRS: Interface Design in Goods Receipt/Goods Movement          .
SRS_MATSRC_PBO_SUB           SAP Retail Store: Material and EAN Search PBO Subscreen        .
SRS_MENU_PBO_BEGIN           SAP Retail Store Menu: BAdI at Start of PBO                    .
SRS_PDC_FIELD                SRS: Interface Design in PDC Release Monitor                   .
SRS_PDC_GM_INBOUND           Retail Store: Goods Movement MDE Inbound                       .
SRS_PDC_GM_MAT_OUT           Retail Store: Material Data Goods Movement MDE Outbound        .
SRS_PDC_GM_OUTBOUND          Retail Store: Goods Movement MDE Outbound                      .
SRS_PDC_GR_OUTBOUND          Retail Store: Goods Receipt PDC Outbound                       .
SRS_PRINTER_PBO_SUB          SAP Retail Store: PBO Printer Assignment Subscreen             .
SRV_BILLING_CHANGE           Individual Data Influence on External Billing CRM              .
SRV_CONF_MOVE_TYPE           Determination of Movement Type for CRM Material Conf. Item     .
SS01_BADI                    Payment Statistical Sampling BAdI - Invoice Batching           .
SS02_BADI                    Payment Statistical Sampling BAdI - Certification              .
SS02_BADI_DEFINITION         Authority and Clerk and Supervisor relationship check          .
START_MIGRATION_ALLOWED      Start allowed?                                                 .
STEPDATAEXCHANGEMANA         Activate Switch for Data Exchange Manager                      .
STOREGROUP_USER_EXIT         User exits for store grouping                                  .
STOREORDER_BAPI_PROC         Store order BADI for enhancing BAPI_PO_CREATE1                 .
STOREORDER_POST_PROC         BAdI after document creation in store order                    .
STOREORDER_PRE_PROC          BADI After Document Generaion in Store Order                   .
STOREORDER_SPLIT             Control split of follow-on document                            .
SURVEY_MERGE                 Survey: Exit for enhancements of merge structure               .
SUR_STOCK_TRANSF_CK          Overhead on Materials with Stock Transfer Between Plants       .
SUSR_CUA_STATUS_SWITCH       Status Change of the CUA Connection                            .
SUSR_CUA_STATUS_SWITCH_SAP   Status Change of the CUA Connection - SAP Internal             .
SXBP_USER_EXIT               Customer-Specific Server Group Handling                        .
SXMS_MSG_BACK                XI: Notification of a Response Message                         .
SX_SECURE_EMAIL              Connect External Security Proxies to SAPconnect                .
S_TOOL_ACCESS                ABAP Workbench: Before Processing Call - After Checks          .
S_WB_SAVE_TCODE              Call Before Saving Transaction Code                            .
*** End-of-List ***
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