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BADI                 Title                                                       .

GCC_PS_PROJECT_LABEL Description of Project Definition and PSP Element           .
GDS_MATERIAL_EXTRACT BAdI: Extraction of Materials to GDS Console                .
GEN_EBPP_DEBITOR_SL  BD: Search for Possible Business Partners                   .
GET_CCS_PROPOSAL     Read Default Cost Component Split                           .
GET_CRM_OBJECT_TYPE  Determine CRM_OBJECT_TYPE for Transaction                   .
GET_DEFCCS           Modify Actual Cost Comp. Split When Updating ML             .
GET_GENERATIONGROUP  Determine Generation Group                                  .
GET_PARTN_ROLES_PPF  PPF: BADI for Getting Possible Partner Functions of Appl.   .
GLT0_AFTERSPLIT_VAL  Validation After Document Splitting                         .
GLT0_COMPRESS_ITEM   Summarization of Accounting Line Items Before Doc. Splitting.
GLT0_SET_INV_REF     Overwrite Indicator X_INV_REF                               .
GM_ALLOW_FM_PLANNING Allow the usage of the Grant Dimension in FM planning       .
GM_ARCHIVE_EXIT      Archiving Exit for GM archiving programs                    .
GM_AUTHORITY_CHECK   Grants Management: Authorization check                      .
GM_BDGT_FM_SOURCE    GM Budgetin Change in FM source (ceiling scenario)          .
GM_BDGT_TRFR         Grants Management: Budget Transfer to Funds Management      .
GM_BDGT_VALIDATIONS  GM Budgeting custom validations                             .
GM_BILL_AUTHORITY    GM: User Billing authority for DP90 in Grants Management    .
GM_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES Override Stat. Indicator & Derivation Method for Accounts   .
GM_CHANGE_STATUS     GM Called after new grant status is selected                .
GM_COPY_GRANT        GM Replacement for copy from grant functionality            .
GM_GRANT_NBR         Grant number modifications for external assignment          .
GM_OM_EXT_CHK        GM Extended Check for Object Mapper                         .
GM_POSTING_CONTROL   Enhance GM Posting Control                                  .
GM_POST_AUTHORITY    Grants Management Coding Block Authority Check              .
GM_RM_INTEGRATION    Generic BAdi for GM-Records Management Integration          .
GM_SALES_ORDER_EXT   Mapping Grant Fields to Sales Order Fields                  .
GM_SD_ORDER_CREATE   GM Sales Order Creation                                     .
GM_SPONSOREDOBJ      Grants Management Sponsored Object BAdI                     .
GOS_MULT_PUBLISH     Subsequent Publication of Further Objects                   .
GOS_SRV_REQUEST      GOS: Catch Request of a Generic Service                     .
GOS_SRV_SELECT       GOS: Restrict Selection of Generic Services                 .
GRID_CLICK_PPF       PPF: Exit for Double Click on Values in Display             .
GUI_APPL_OBJ_OHFW    Connects application object presentation (subscreen) to OHFW.
GUI_ASSIGNMENTS_RFW  Extensions for cl_gui_assignments_rfw                       .
GUI_BROWSER_OHFW     BADI to enhance the browser                                 .
GUI_DETAIL_RFW       External GUI control for detail/comparison of RFW nodes     .
GUI_GRAPH_RFW        Extension for cl_gui_graph_rfw                              .
GUI_ITEMIZATION_CK   PCP: Cannot Currently Be Used                               .
GUI_NAVIGATION_RFW   Extensions for cl_gui_navigation_rfw                        .
GUI_PROTOCOL_OHFW    Applicaiton specific protocol                               .
GUI_RFW              Enhancements for cl_gui_2_rfw                               .
G_SET_CHANGES        Sets: Create, Change, and Delete Sets                       .
G_SET_FORMULA_EXIT   Sets: Exits for Formula Variables                           .
G_SET_USAGE          Sets: Where-Used List                                       .
*** End-of-List ***
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last update: Sun, 21/03/10 13:22:42
