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BADI                         Title                                                       .

VATDATE_VALUES               Determine and Check BKPF-VATDATE                            .
VBDOCUBATCH                  BAdI: Documentary Batch                                     .
VBOB_INHERIT                 Change Selection of Original Batches to Inherit             .
VBW_BATCH_REPLICATE          Replication of Batches                                      .
VBX_SO_SEL_CRITERIA          Batch Selection Criteria in Sales Order                     .
VB_BD_SELECTION              Preselection of Batches Within Batch Determination          .
VB_GET_EXT_BATCHES           Access to Customer-Specific Batch Usage Data                .
VB_GET_POS_PLANT             Enhancement of Automatic Plant Determination in transn MB56 .
VB_SLED_MANAGEMENT           Control of Shelf Life Expiration Date Processing            .
VENDOR_ADD_DATA              Additional Vendor Data                                      .
VENDOR_ADD_DATA_BI           Additional Data for Vendors (Batch Input and ALE)           .
VENDOR_ADD_DATA_CS           Additional Data for Vendors (Subscreen 4000)                .
VENDOR_EXTENSION_CHECK       VENDOR_EXTENSION_CHECK                                      .
VENDOR_EXTENSION_OUTBOUND    Vendor Enhancement Outbound                                 .
VENDOR_EXTENSION_UPDATE      VENDOR_EXTENSION_UPDATE                                     .
VENDOR_FIELDACTIVE           Activation of CARRIER_CONF Field                            .
VLC_ARCHIVE                  BADI for archiving additional tables                        .
VLC_BATCH_ACTION             Adjustment Methods for FB: VEL009_SET_ACTION                .
VLC_BW_INTEGRATOR            BAdI: VMS Business Warehouse Integration                    .
VLC_CALCULATE_GPRICE         Definition of Vehicle Gross-List-Price                      .
VLC_CALL_CONFIG              Badi to call config - Used to plugin external configurator  .
VLC_CHCO_EXECUTE             Execute Action CHCO (Change Sales Order)                    .
VLC_CHECK_AUTHROLE           Enhance Authority check and assignment of VMS role to user  .
VLC_CHECK_CONFIG             Configuration Check Before Saving                           .
VLC_CONFIG_SPLITTER          Splitting of Configuration Data Before Writing to Database  .
VLC_CPGM_EXECUTE             To allow change of valuation class in CPGM action           .
VLC_CRM_INTEGRATOR           Integration Between VMS and CRM                             .
VLC_CTP_CHECK_DATA           Data Manipulation Before Availability Check (CTP)           .
VLC_CUOR_EXECUTE             Execute Action CUOR (Create Sales Order)                    .
VLC_CUSTOMER_SERVICE         VELO: Service Processing for Vehicles                       .
VLC_DELI_EXECUTE             Execute Action DELI (Create Delivery)                       .
VLC_DETAIL_CONFIG            Exchange Configuration Screen in Vehicle Detail             .
VLC_DETAIL_DEALER            Exchange Dealer Data Screen in Vehicle Detail               .
VLC_DETAIL_ENDCUST           Exchange End Customer Screen in Vehicle Detail              .
VLC_DETAIL_HISTORY           Exchange History Screen in Vehicle Detail                   .
VLC_DETAIL_OVERVIEW          Exchange Overview Screen in Vehicle Detail                  .
VLC_DETERMINE_CONTRL         Action Control Determination                                .
VLC_DETERM_CHPROFILE         Determination of Configuration Change Profile               .
VLC_ENHANCE_BAPICHAN         Processing of Communication Structure vlcactdata for CHANGE .
VLC_ENHANCE_BAPICREA         Processing of Communication Structure vlcactdata for CREATE .
VLC_ENHANCE_BAPIDELE         Processing of Communication Structure vlcactdata for DELETE .
VLC_EXECUTE_ACTION           Execution of Actions                                        .
VLC_EXECUTE_ASSIGNMT         Link Sales Documents to Vehicles                            .
VLC_EXPND_VLCDIAVEHI         Extend Data                                                 .
VLC_EXPND_VLCDISP_SD         Enhance Sales Document Table                                .
VLC_EXTSE_DELTA_LOAD         OBSOLETE! Use VLC_SE_DELTA_LOAD                             .
VLC_EXTSE_SEARCH             Search Via External Search Machine                          .
VLC_FILT_DISP_CONFIG         Filter Configuration to be Displayed                        .
VLC_FIND_INSTAN_BAPI         Determine Vehicle (GUI, Int. Ext. / VI Number Unknown)      .
VLC_GET_VHCLE_NUMBER         Assign Internal Vehicle Number (VHCLE)                      .
VLC_GOIS_EXECUTE             Execute Action GOIS (Post Goods Issue)                      .
VLC_GORE_EXECUTE             Execute Action GORE (Post Goods Receipt)                    .
VLC_HISTORY_CALL_TRA         Define Call Parameters for Standard Transaction from History.
VLC_IBLC_CONNECT             BADI for Connection of LiveCache to IBASE                   .
VLC_INIV_EXECUTE             Execute Action INIV (Create Incoming Invoice)               .
VLC_IPC_SELECT               BADI for IPC selection                                      .
VLC_MASTER_EQUI              Read Reference Equipment                                    .
VLC_MASTER_WARRANTY          Read Master Warranty                                        .
VLC_MODELLIST_NO_FIL         Modify Model List (Without Filter Flag)                     .
VLC_MODELL_LIST              Modifications to the Model List                             .
VLC_MORD_EXECUTE             Execute Action MORD (Change Order)                          .
VLC_ORD1_EXECUTE             Execute Action ORD1 (Create Order)                          .
VLC_OUIV_EXECUTE             Execute Action OUIV (Create Outgoing Invoice)               .
VLC_OVERVIEW_TREE            Overview tree enhancements                                  .
VLC_POSSIBLE_ACTIONS         Influence finding of possible actions                       .
VLC_PREPARE_ACTION           Preparation of Actions                                      .
VLC_PRESELECTION             Preselection of vehicle models                              .
VLC_RESERVATION              Reservation Process                                         .
VLC_SCE_PARAMETERS           Determine the Call Parameters for SCE                       .
VLC_SEARCH_ADAPTION          Adjustment Methods for Vehicle Search                       .
VLC_SEARCH_INTERFACE         Search Criteria on the Interface                            .
VLC_SEARCH_PROFILE           Search Profile for Vehicle Search                           .
VLC_SE_DELTA_LOAD            Delta Load into External Search Machine                     .
VLC_USED_VEHICLES            Used vehicles                                               .
VLC_USER_INTERFACE           BAdI for interface of transaction VELO                      .
VLC_VEHICLE_IDOC             BADIs for Vehicle IDOC                                      .
VLC_VHVIN_PREPARE            BAdI for Changing Case Sensitivity of VIN                   .
VLC_WARRANTIES               Read Master Warranties for Vehicles                         .
VMD_ADDITIONAL_LOCKS         Additional Locks                                            .
VOR_WA_FAKTURA               Billing before Goods Issue                                  .
VSCAN_INSTANCE               Extension of Virus Scan Interface                           .
*** End-of-List ***
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last update: Sun, 21/03/10 13:22:37
