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Report                         Title                                                                 .

CACL_SWITCH_CURR_TO_EURO       Currency Conversion to Euro for Characteristics and Values            .
CACS00_ADHOC_CASES_COMPARER    Compare Commission Using by Selection Criteria                        .
CACS00_ARCH04_CAS              Archive Commission Case                                               .
CACS00_ARCH04_CAS_ALV          Archive Commission Case                                               .
CACS00_ARCH04_DOC              Archive Commission Document                                           .
CACS00_ARCH04_DOC_ALV          Archive Commission Document                                           .
CACS00_ARCH06_CAS              Commission Case Archiving: Deletion Program, Index Creation           .
CACS00_ARCH06_DOC              Commission Document Archiving: Deletion Program, Index Creation       .
CACS00_ARCH07_CAS              Commission Case Archiving: Reload Data from Archive into DB           .
CACS00_ARCH07_DOC              Commission Document Archiving: Reload Data from Archive to DB         .
CACS00_CASES_COMPARER          Compare Cases by Group                                                .
CACS00_CASINV_LIST             List of Commission Case Participants Including Header Data            .
CACS00_CAS_LIST                List of Commission Cases                                              .
CACS00_DOCRE_LIST              List of Remuneration for Commission Documents                         .
CACS00_DOCSE_LIST              List of Settlement Items for Commission Documents                     .
CACS00_DOCVA_LIST              List of Valuations of Commission Documents                            .
CACS00_DOC_REORG               Program CACS00_DOC_REORG                                              .
CACS00_INV_LIST                List of Commission Case Participants                                  .
CACS00_LIST_TEMPLATE           List of Commission Case Participants                                  .
CACS00_MRU                     Mass Updating                                                         .
CACS00_OBJHIST_LIST            List of Commission Case Objects (Bundling History)                    .
CACS00_OBJ_LIST                List of Commission Case Objects                                       .
CACS00_PMNT_BLOCK_RESET_ALV    Unlock Payment                                                        .
CACS00_REP_0351739             TCACS_RESULT Repair as per Note No. 0351739                           .
CACS00_REP_0420029             Repair Program for Note no. 0420029                                   .
CACS00_REP_0451150             XPRA: CACS00_REP_0451150                                              .
CACS00_REP_0590235             Repair Program for SAP Note 0590235                                   .
CACS00_REP_0613241             Repair Program for SAP Note 0613241                                   .
CACS00_REP_382040              Commission Document Repair, As Per Note No. 382040                    .
CACS00_REP_382427              Reversal Document Repair According to Note no. 382427                 .
CACS00_REP_393373              Repair program for note 393373                                        .
CACS00_REP_868082              Program CACS00_REP_868082                                             .
CACS00_SUM_BUILD               OBSOLETE Subseq.posting of all tot.tables for docs not recorded there .
CACS00_SUM_BUILD_ALV           Subsequent posting of all totals tables for docs not recorded there   .
CACS00_SUM_INIT                Resetting Commission Application Totals Tables                        .
CACS00_SUM_INIT_ALV            Resetting Commission Application Totals Tables                        .
CACS25_REP_896955              Program CACS25_REP_896955                                             .
CACS27_AC_GC                   OBSOLETE Program CACS27_AC_GC                                         .
CACS27_AC_GC_ALV               Program CACS27_AC_GC                                                  .
CACSCONDMIGVERS05              Migration of Performance-Related Remuneration                         .
CACSCP_RCP_CASE_ADMIN          RCP: Administration of Initial Commission Cases                       .
CACSCP_RCP_PENDING_CASES       Selection of Commission Cases                                         .
CACSCP_RCP_WORKLIST_ADMIN      RCP: Administration of Worklists                                      .
CACSCP_RCP_WORKLIST_ADMIN_ALV  RCP: Administration of Worklists                                      .
CACSOA0000ELT1CACS_S_ELTDO001  Remuneration By Remuneration Type and Business Object ID              .
CACSOA0000ELT2CACS_S_ELTCT001  Contracts By Number                                                   .
CACSOA0000ELT2CACS_S_ELTCT002  Contracts By Group Contract                                           .
CACSOA0000ELT3CACS_S_ELTPA001  Transfer Parameters (ELT)                                             .
CACSOA0000ELT6CACS_S_ELTCT001  Provision of Terminated Contract                                      .
CACSOA0000ELT6CACS_S_ELTCT002  Provision of Terminated Contract and Group Contract                   .
CACSOA0000PF21PFO_S_FOA_SE001  Selection of Policies                                                 .
CACSOA0000PMP1PFO_S_FOA_SE001  Selection of Policies                                                 .
CACSOA0000PMP2PFO_S_FOA_SE001  Program CACSOA0000PMP2PFO_S_FOA_SE001                                 .
CACSOA0000PMP3PFO_S_FOA_GZ001  Program CACSOA0000PMP3PFO_S_FOA_GZ001                                 .
CACSOA0000PMS4PFO_S_FOA_SE001  Selection of Coverage                                                 .
CACSOA0000PMV1PFO_S_FOA_SE001  Selection of Insurance Contracts                                      .
CACSOA0006CACS_S_ELTCT001      Provision of Terminated Contract                                      .
CACSOA0006CACS_S_ELTCT002      Provision of Terminated Contract and Group Contract                   .
CACSRV01                       Copy: Tariff to Tariff                                                .
CACSSD_CMDC0                   Check Condition Master Data                                           .
CACSSD_CMDC2                   Program CACSSD_CMDC2                                                  .
CACS_462_DOCRE                 Program for Filling Fields in CACS00_DOCRE                            .
CACS_463_ACC                   Fill Application in *_ACCAS/_ACCST                                    .
CACS_463_DOCHD                 Convert period in *_DOCHD                                             .
CACS_463_LOS_MIGRATION         Migrate Logical Services                                              .
CACS_464_APPL_REUSE            Further Use of a Commission Application After Ugrade to 4.64          .
CACS_464_LOS_SETTL_MIGR        Program CACS_464_LOS_SETTL_MIGR                                       .
CACS_ADD_NEW_TABLE             CACS_ADD_NEW_TABLE                                                    .
CACS_ADJUST_HR_PARTNER         Adjust Business Partner with HR Employee                              .
CACS_APPLLOGDIS                Display Application Logs                                              .
CACS_APPL_SET                  Selection of Current Commission Application                           .
CACS_APPL_STATUS_TEMPL         Status of Commission Application: Reference Report                    .
CACS_APPL_TA_CLASSIFY_PACKAGE  Set Classification for IMG Transactions, Package-Specific             .
CACS_ARFC_SIMU                 Program Simulation aRFC-Server Group                                  .
CACS_BUFFER                    Selection of Commission Cases from Buffer and Pending Cases           .
CACS_BUFFERLOG_CLEAR           Program CACS_BUFFERLOG_CLEAR                                          .
CACS_BUPAACC_DISP              Remuneration Inquiry for Business Partner                             .
CACS_BUPAACC_DISP_NEW          Remuneration Inquiry for Business Partner                             .
CACS_BUPA_CREATE_CP            Link Existing Business Partners with HR Employees                     .
CACS_CALL_SARA                 SARA Archiving Transaction Call for Main Menu                         .
CACS_CHECK_CASERUN             Performance Overview  - Provision Cases                               .
CACS_CHECK_CASERUN_ALV         Performance Overview  - Commission Cases                              .
CACS_CHECK_DB_DET              Program CACS_CHECK_DB_DET                                             .
CACS_CLOSE_RUN                 Closing                                                               .
CACS_COI                       Mass Resetting                                                        .
CACS_COMPARE_HR_PARTNER        Compare HR Staff with Assigned Business Partners                      .
CACS_COMPARE_VERSION_TABLES    INTERNAL: Copy Time-Managed Customizing Tables from RFC Destination   .
CACS_CONDCATTHELP              Program CACS_CONDCATTHELP                                             .
CACS_CONDPRIO1                 Copy Sorting Sequence from Remuneration Criteria                      .
CACS_CONDPRIO1_ALV             Copy Sorting Sequence from Remuneration Criteria                      .
CACS_COND_100                  Program CACS_COND_100                                                 .
CACS_COND_100_ALV              Program CACS_COND_100                                                 .
CACS_COND_ANALIZE_01           Overview of Condition Records in the Commission System                .
CACS_COND_MAINTENANCE          Commissions: Maintenance of Condition Records in Commission System    .
CACS_COND_MIGRATION            Converts Individual Agreements                                        .
CACS_COPY_TCVARIANT            FS-CS: Copy From TC Variants                                          .
CACS_COPY_TCVARIANT_ALV        FS-ICM: Copying Table Control Variants                                .
CACS_CSB_DEL_PARKED_VERS       Report for Deleting Parked Versions in Contract Bundle                .
CACS_CSB_DEL_PARKED_VERS_ALV   Report for Deleting Parked Versions in Contract Bundle                .
CACS_CSC_DEL_PARKED_VERS       Report for Deleting Parked Versions in The Commission Contract        .
CACS_CSC_DEL_PARKED_VERS_ALV   Report for Deleting Parked Versions in The Commission Contract        .
CACS_CTRTBU_MIGRATION_BZO      Migration of Commission Contracts to Portfolio Assignment (PFO)       .
CACS_CUSTCOPY_FRAME            Copy, Transport, ... Customizing of an Application                    .
CACS_CUSTPACKAGEBUILDER        Copies Customizing from Prototype Application "Back" to a Package     .
CACS_DYNREPMENU                Program CACS_DYNREPMENU                                               .
CACS_EDT_GENERATE_CSTRUCTURES  Creation of Character Structures from a Dictionary Information File   .
CACS_ELTAPPLSET                ELT - Reserve Standard Delivery for Commission Application            .
CACS_END_CTRT_EFF              Effective Ending of Legally Ended Commission Contracts                .
CACS_END_CTRT_EFF_ALV          Effective Ending of Legally Ended Commission Contracts                .
CACS_END_OF_MONTH_CHECK        Program CACS_END_OF_MONTH_CHECK                                       .
CACS_END_OF_MONTH_CHECK_ALV    Program CACS_END_OF_MONTH_CHECK                                       .
CACS_ERASE_SAMPLEDATA          ICM: Delete Test Data                                                 .
CACS_FFLT_GC                   Program CACS27_AC_GC                                                  .
CACS_FFLT_GC_ALV               Program CACS27_AC_GC                                                  .
CACS_FFLT_RUN                  Program CACS_FFLT_RUN                                                 .
CACS_FILE_COPY                 Copying a File from Application to Presentation Server and Vice Versa .
CACS_FILE_TO_VAR               Variant Import from an EDT Input File                                 .
CACS_FILL_EURO_WORKTABLES      Transfer of SAP standard conversion information for LCC commission    .
CACS_FILL_LIST_AUTH_STRUC      Structural Authorization: T77uu, T77ua Tables Filled Automatically    .
CACS_FIND_INCONS_CONTR_OCCUP   Inconsistencies in Contract - Display Assignments                     .
CACS_FPP_DBC_FRAMEWORK         Framework for Parallel Processing of DB Conversion (See Note 833306)  .
CACS_FPP_STMT                  Parallel Settlement                                                   .
CACS_GENERATOR                 Generation of a Commissions Application                               .
CACS_INDV_SCALE_PLAUSI         Check individual scales                                               .
CACS_INDV_SCALE_PLAUSI_ALV     Check individual scales                                               .
CACS_INFORMATION_VIEW_ALV      Program CACS_INFORMATION_VIEW                                         .
CACS_INITIALIZE_VERSIONS       Program CACS_INITIALIZE_VERSIONS                                      .
CACS_LCP_GENERATOR             Compare Local Copies with Originals in Other Systems                  .
CACS_MIGBUCAGR                 Display of Contracts to be Migrated                                   .
CACS_MIGRATION_SUBCONTRACT01   Migration of settlement agreements                                    .
CACS_MIGRATION_SUBCONTRACT02   Migration of Flat-Rate Agreements for Remuneration                    .
CACS_MIGRATION_SUBCONTRACT03   Migration of Guarantee Agreements                                     .
CACS_MIGRATION_SUBCONTRACT04   Migration of settlement agreements                                    .
CACS_MIGRATION_SUBCONTRACT05   Migration of Flat-Rate Agreements for Remuneration                    .
CACS_MIGRATION_SUBCONTRACT06   Migration of Guarantee Agreements                                     .
CACS_MRU                       Mass Updating                                                         .
CACS_NSC_EXECUTE               Namespace Conversion of Individual Key- and Non-Key Fields            .
CACS_OAPDWFCREATE              Create Workflow Template for Process Definition                       .
CACS_OAPIDEL                   Mass Deletion of Assignment Processes                                 .
CACS_OAPSIEXEC                 Execute Process Step in Worklist for Object Assignment                .
CACS_OATRG1EXEC                FOA Connection: Execute Trigger of Type 'Commission Contract'         .
CACS_OATRGEXECOPTS             FOA: Options for Trigger Deletion                                     .
CACS_OAUIGEN                   Generation of User Interfaces                                         .
CACS_OAUIVAR                   Creation of Selection Variants for User Interfaces                    .
CACS_OAWLDEL                   Mass Deletion of Worklists                                            .
CACS_OAWLEXEC                  Execute Method on Worklist for Object Assignment                      .
CACS_PACKAGE_STD_AND_EXP       Standardize and Export Versioned Entries of an ICM Package            .
CACS_PMNT_BLOCK_RESET          Lift Payment Locks                                                    .
CACS_PMNT_BLOCK_RESET_ALV      Lift Payment Locks                                                    .
CACS_PRINT_ICM1                Mass Printing: Commission Documentation                               .
CACS_PROFILE_SHOW              Program CACS_PROFILE_SHOW                                             .
CACS_PS_MDCU_CHECK             Program CACS_PS_MDCU_CHECK                                            .
CACS_RCOMPARE_HR_PARTNER       Compare HR Staff with Assigned Business Partners                      .
CACS_REASSIGN_CENTRALPERSON    Manual Link Between HR Staff and Business Partners                    .
CACS_RECH_APPL_COPY            Commissions: Drilldown CACS Application Copier                        .
CACS_REM_INQUIRY               Remuneration Inquiry                                                  .
CACS_REP_0314369               Repair TCACS_RESULT in accordance with Note 0314369                   .
CACS_REP_0381331               Repair Copy Service Customizing as per Note No. 381331                .
CACS_REP_0426247               Repair Program for Note no. 426247                                    .
CACS_REP_0538004               Repair Program for Copy Services (Table TCACS_MAP20/MAP21)            .
CACS_RESET_MAP                 Reset Copying Services                                                .
CACS_RESET_MAP_ALV             Reset Copying Services                                                .
CACS_RESET_USERPARM            Change/Delete a User Parameter                                        .
CACS_REVERSE_CLOSE_RUN         Reset - Closing                                                       .
CACS_REVERSE_SETTLE_RUN        Reset - Settlement                                                    .
CACS_REVERSE_TRICAS_RUN        Reset - Additional Commission Case                                    .
CACS_RUN_JOURNAL1              Overview of Run Log                                                   .
CACS_RV14BTCI                  Batch Input Interface for Conditions                                  .
CACS_RV14BTCI_ALV              Batch Input Interface for Conditions                                  .
CACS_RVBTCI01                  Create Sequential File for Conditions Data Transfer                   .
CACS_RVBTCI01_ALV              Create Sequential File for Conditions Data Transfer                   .
CACS_SEGASS_MIGRATE_BZO        Migration of Segments and Assignments in Portfolio Assignment         .
CACS_SESDATA_DISPLAY           Display Settlement Schedule Data                                      .
CACS_SES_DEL                   OBSOLETE! Delete Settlement Schedules                                 .
CACS_SES_RUN                   Settlement Schedule Run                                               .
CACS_SETTLE_RUN                Settlement                                                            .
CACS_SET_FLAG_ARCHIVE          Program CACS_SET_FLAG_ARCHIVE                                         .
CACS_SET_PARID                 CACS: Set a Parameter ID with a Value                                 .
CACS_SHOW_MASSLOG              Logs for Mass Processing                                              .
CACS_SHOW_MASSLOG_ALV          Logs for Mass Processing                                              .
CACS_SRV_0416978_451           Program for Deleting Logs Release 4.51 up to and Including 4.62       .
CACS_SRV_0416978_463           Program for Deletion of Logs in Application Log                       .
CACS_START_STDREP              Program CACS_START_STDREP                                             .
CACS_STATUS_SELECTION_TEMPLATE Template for Developing Programs with Various Data Sources            .
CACS_SUMREBUILD_GENERATOR      Totals Table Generation: Generator                                    .
CACS_TEST_FRAME                Main Program for Checks                                               .
CACS_TGT_RULE_SHOW_CONTRACTS   Target Agreements: Display Commission Contracts for Target Rules      .
CACS_TGT_VALUE_MAINTAIN_COMPLX Target Agreements: Maintain Values for Complex Target Types           .
CACS_TGT_VALUE_MAINTAIN_CORR   Tgt Agrmts: Maintain Correction Values for Elementary Target Types    .
CACS_TGT_VALUE_MAINTAIN_SMPL   Target Agreements: Maintain Values for Elementary Target Types        .
CACS_TRANSFER_HRLOG            Transfer HR Log Records to Target System                              .
CACS_TRICAS_RUN                Additional Commission Case                                            .
CACS_TRIGGER_V3                Trigger Outstanding V3 Postings                                       .
CACS_UPGRADE_LOG               Add Zeros in Front of Buffer ID                                       .
CACS_USAGE                     FS-CS/ICM Measurement                                                 .
CACS_USAGE_ALV                 FS-ICM/ICM Measurement                                                .
CACS_VIEW_GENERATOR            Program CACS_VIEW_GENERATOR                                           .
CACS_WARRALLO                  Closing Offsetting for Guarantee: Select Dataset                      .
CACS_WFCASTRIG                 Commission Case Workflow: Trigger Flagged Events                      .
CALCULATE_POSITION             Program for Calculation of Position Changes                           .
CALLOTB                        OTB: Planning: Initial Screen                                         .
CALL_AFI_SELSCREEN             Selection Screen of LDB AFI                                           .
CALL_AFI_SELSCREEN_PMPS        PM/PS Selection of PM Orders                                          .
CALL_DRB_FROM_KAEP             Call DRB (Document Relationship Browser) from FG KAEP                 .
CALL_EMAP_OUTBIIN              Billing and invoicing log                                             .
CALL_FS00                      Callup of Program FS00 using RRI                                      .
CALL_PSJ_SELSCREEN_PMPS        PM/PS Selection of Project                                            .
CASE_DELETE_PROGRAM            Case Archiving: Deletion Program                                      .
CASE_PRE_PROGRAM               Case Archiving: Preprocessing Program                                 .
CASE_READ_PROGRAM              Case Archiving: Read Program                                          .
CASE_RELOCATE_PROGRAM          Archiving: Cases: Relocation of Case Records                          .
CASE_WRITE_PROGRAM             Case Archiving: Write Program                                         .
CATSGETS                       Time Sheet: Submit Report for Reading the Logical Database PCH        .
CATSSHOW                       Display Time Sheet Data                                               .
CATT_TRACE                     Test Program                                                          .
CAT_APPROVE_UIATEST            Test Report: UIA Interface for CATS Approval                          .
CA_TAXLOG                      Tax-Relevant Data Accesses                                            .
CCARDEC_TRANSFORM_FI           Execution Report for Activating Payment Card Encryption               .
CCARDEC_TRANSFORM_SD           Execution Report for Activating Payment Card Encryption               .
CCARDEC_TRANSFORM_VCKUN_VCNUM  Conversion Report for Credit Cards in Customer Master dur.Encryption  .
CCCL_TEST                      Program CCCL_TEST                                                     .
CCIFMEAS                       Creation of Base Units of Measure in Customizing                      .
CCMARCHINSTR                   Archiving of Infostore for CIC                                        .
CCMARCHLOG                     Archiving of Infostore for CIC                                        .
CCMCLBAA                       Call Center Callback Archiving                                        .
CCMCLBAD                       Call Center Callback Archiving - Delete                               .
CCMCLBAR                       Call Center Callback Archiving - Restore                              .
CCMCLBD1                       Call Center Callback User Options                                     .
CCMCLBR1                       Call Center Callback Reporting                                        .
CCMCLGAA                       Call Center Event Logging Archive                                     .
CCMCLGAD                       Call Center Event Logging Archive-Delete                              .
CCMCLGAR                       Call Center Event Logging Archive Reload                              .
CCMON_ALERT_GENERATE           Generates Messages for Cost Centers for Display in MiniApp            .
CCMSBI_ASR_EXTRACT_TEST        Test Extractor for ABAP Statistics Data                               .
CCMSBI_DSR_EXTRACT_TEST        Test BI Extractor for DSR                                             .
CCMSBI_MD_EXTRACT_CHECK        Test CCMS Master Data Extraction                                      .
CCMSBI_RSA1APAC                Transfer Application Component Hierarchy from Content                 .
CCMSBI_TESTENV                 Test Environment: Extraction of CCMS Performance Data to BW System    .
CCMSBI_TEST_DATA_EXTRACTION    Program CCMSBI_TEST_DATA_EXTRACTION                                   .
CCMSBI_TEST_REORG_EXTRACTION   Program CCMSBI_TEST_DATA_EXTRACTION                                   .
CCMSBI_WAST_EXTR_TESTENV       Test Environment: Extraction of WEBAS Statistic Data to a Source Syst..
CCM_DEL_GE_DYNPRO              Program CCM_DEL_GE_DYNPRO                                             .
CCPOS_ALERT_GENERATE           Generates messages for postings on cost centers for the MiniApp       .
CCSEQ_CSG_DELETE               Delete Change Sequence Graph                                          .
CCSEQ_CSG_UPDATE               Update Change Sequence Graph                                          .
CCUINIT                        Measurement of Concurrent Users: Initialization                       .
CDESK01                        CAD Desktop: Trace Analysis                                           .
CDESK02                        CAD Desktop: Save Trace                                               .
CDESK03                        CAD Desktop: Delete Trace                                             .
CDESK_SHOWRES4                 Program CDESK_SHOWRES                                                 .
CDESK_START                    Program CDESK_START                                                   .
CDITEXT                        Compare KW Document Titles and Node Texts                             .
CDURATION                      Determination of productive time                                      .
CDVCMPDD                       Veri: Compare DD Sources in Different Systems                         .
CERTMAP                        X.509 Certificate Registration: Enter Certificate                     .
CERTREQ                        Certificate Request                                                   .
CE_CL_EXTRACT_R3_CLASS_DATA    Extraction of Class Database for Excel-Offline Tool                   .
CFCSTART                       Starting the Clarification Dialog Processing                          .
CFCSTARTBOR                    Program CFCSTARTBOR                                                   .
CFCSTART_ALERT_MINIALV         Program CFCSTART_ALERT_MINIALV                                        .
CFG_AP_INITIALISE_DB           Report CFG_AP_INITIALISE_DB                                           .
CFG_AP_REQUEST_DB              Report CFG_AP_INITIALISE_DB                                           .
CFG_DOCUMENT_PUBLISHER         Report COM_CFG_DB_PUBLISH_DOCUMENTS                                   .
CFG_ERP_INITIALISE_DB          Program CFG_ERP_INITIALISE_DB                                         .
CFM_CHECK_POSITIONS            Checks the Modules for Position Selection                             .
CFSHOW20                       TR-FM: Budget Fiscal Year Change - Display Data                       .
CFSHOW21                       TR-FM: Budget Carryforward - Display Interim Data                     .
CFW_CONTROLBOX                 Test for Java Beans                                                   .
CFW_WORKSHOP_CONTEXTMENU       Example: Simple tree control (with documentation)                     .
CFW_WORKSHOP_CREATE            CFW Workshop: Demo Program for Creating a Control and Container       .
CFW_WORKSHOP_DRAGDROP          Drag and Drop Demonstration Program with Textedit and Tree Control    .
CFW_WORKSHOP_EVENTS            CFW Workshop: HTML Demo Program for Reacting to Control Events        .
CFW_WORKSHOP_LIFETIME          Control Framework: LIFETIME Demonstration                             .
CFW_WORKSHOP_METHODS           CFW Workshop: HTML Demo Program for Calling Methods                   .
CFW_WORKSHOP_METHODS_A         CFW Workshop: HTML Demo Program for Calling Methods - Step A          .
CFW_WORKSHOP_METHODS_B         CFW Workshop: HTML Demo Program for Calling Methods - Step B          .
CFW_WORKSHOP_METHODS_C         CFW Workshop: HTML Demo Program for Calling Methods - Step C          .
CFW_WORKSHOP_NAVIGATE_1        CFW Workshop: Navigation with Simple Tree Control on Screen           .
CFW_WORKSHOP_NAVIGATE_2        CFW Workshop: Navigation with Simple Tree Control in Splitter         .
CFW_WORKSHOP_NAVIGATE_3        CFW Workshop: Navigation with Simple Tree Control in Docking          .
CFW_WORKSHOP_SOLUTION_1        CFW Workshop: HTML Demo Program for Calling Methods - Step C          .
CFW_WORKSHOP_SOLUTION_A        CFW Workshop: HTML Demo Program for Calling Methods - Step C          .
CFW_WORKSHOP_SOLUTION_B        CFW Workshop: HTML Demo Program for Calling Methods - Step C          .
CFW_WORKSHOP_SOLUTION_C        CFW Workshop: HTML Demo Program for Calling Methods - Step C          .
CFW_WORKSHOP_TEMPLATE          CFW Workshop: HTML Demo Program for Calling Methods - Step C          .
CFX_BI_TAB_TO_CFOLDERS         Program CFX_BI_TAB_TO_CFOLDERS                                        .
CGPL_CHANGE_OPTIONS            Default for User-Specific Settings                                    .
CHANGEDOCU_DEL                 Archiving Change Documents: Delete Program                            .
CHANGEDOCU_READ                Read Selected Change Documents from Database or Archive               .
CHANGEDOCU_WRI                 Archiving Change Documents: Write Program                             .
CHAR_PROFILE_USED_IN_MATERIALS Materials Selected by Characteristics Profile                         .
CHAT                           Report for Generic SAP Chat                                           .
CHDOC_ENTRY                    Change Documents                                                      .
CHECKREPORT_PROGRESSANALYSIS   Check Report: Progress Analysis Customizing                           .
CHECK_ACCESSIBILITY            Program ZGESAMTPROGRAMM                                               .
CHECK_CLASS_INHERITANCE        Determine Inheritance Hierarchy: Selection                            .
CHECK_CM                       Analysis of SD Document with Regard to Credit Management              .
CHECK_COLLECTION               Program DISPLAY_COLLECTION                                            .
CHECK_MISSING_ELEMENTS         Programm CHECK_MISSING_ELEMENTS                                       .
CHECK_WIP_QUANTITY_STRUCTURE   Check and Complete WIP Quantity Structure                             .
CHECK_XREF                     Program CHECK_XREF                                                    .
CIBDCONF_REQUEST               PP-PDC Interface: Upload Request                                      .
CIBDOP_DOWN_PP                 PP-PDC interface: Download operations                                 .
CIC_SET_RESTART_TIME           Set time after which CIC0 should be restarted again                   .
CIFACTSTKUC                    Report CIFACTSTKUC                                                    .
CIFPUCUST01                    Control Customizing of Sources of Supply for Anonymous Purch. Reqs.   .
CIF_APPL_LOG_SEARCH            Search for Character String in CIF Application Log                    .
CIF_APPL_LOG_SEARCH_2          Search for Character String in CIF Application Log                    .
CIF_BGRFC_CUST                 Activation/Deactivation of bgRFC API for CIF Data Transfer            .
CKECP_DISP_CM_USAGE            Cost Estimates for Costing Model                                      .
CKECP_EXPORT_MODEL             Easy Cost Planning: Exported Model in XML File                        .
CKECP_GEN_CP_DIR               Include CKECP_GENERIC_BPO                                             .
CKECP_IMPORT_MODEL             Easy Cost Planning: Imported Model from XML File                      .
CKECP_LAUNCH                   Program CKECP_LAUNCH                                                  .
CKECP_WS_ADMINISTRATION        Program CKECP_WS_ADMINISTRATION                                       .
CKEKADDITIONS                  Program CKEKADDITIONS                                                 .
CKMLAVR_BUILD_DATA             Multiperiod Cumulation of Actual Data                                 .
CKMLAVR_CALC_DELTA_POSTINGS    Cumulation: Determination of Delta Postings for Balance Sheet Accounts.
CKMLAVR_CHANGE_LA_NO_SETTLE    Indicator 'Do Not Consider Price'                                     .
CKMLAVR_CHANGE_WITH_SUCC_RUN   Program CKMLAVR_CHANGE_WITH_SUCC_RUN                                  .
CKMLAVR_CLOSING_ENTRIES        Cumulation: Closing Entries                                           .
CKMLAVR_COMPARE_MLCD           Program CKMLAVR_COMPARE_MLCD                                          .
CKMLAVR_EXPLANATION_TOOL       Analysis of the Data Cumulation                                       .
CKMLAVR_ITERATE_ACTUAL_PRICES  Cumulation: Actual Price Calculation                                  .
CKMLAVR_PLAN_PRICES            Cumulation: Mark Prices                                               .
CKMLAVR_SHOW_CUM_PROCESS       Program CKMLAVR_SHOW_CUM_PROCESS                                      .
CKMLAVR_SHOW_SCALING_DIFFS     Program CKMLAVR_SHOW_SCALING_DIFFS                                    .
CKMLAVR_SIM                    Progran CKMLAVR_SIM                                                   .
CKMLDUVACT_CREATE_DIST         Program for Creating a Distribution                                   .
CKMLDUVACT_POST_DIST           Include CKMLDUVACT_POST_DIST                                          .
CKMLDUVACT_RECORD              Program CKMLDUVACT_RECORD_NEW                                         .
CKMLDUVMAT_CREATE_DIST         Program CKMLDUV_CREATE_DIST                                           .
CKMLDUVMAT_POST_DIST           Program CKMLDUV_POST_DIST                                             .
CKMLMV_CHANGE_PROCMOD          Conversion of Process Model: Enter Last Day of Period                 .
CKMLMV_ITERATION_TRACE         Update Report for Iteration                                           .
CKMLMV_MAINTAIN_RULES          Maintain Controlling Level                                            .
CKMLMV_ORDER_LIST              List of Orders Assigned to Prod. Process or Procurement Alternative   .
CKMLMV_PLAN_QS_IMPORT          Import of the Planned Quantity Structure                              .
CKML_PRICES_SEND               Send Material Price                                                   .
CKML_QSTREE                    Valuated Quantity Structure (Multilevel)                              .
CKML_RUN_CREATE                Obsolete from Release 4.6A                                            .
CKML_RUN_DELETE                Delete a Costing Run in Actual Costing                                .
CKML_RUN_DISPLAY               Obsolete from Release 4.6A                                            .
CKML_RUN_DISPLAY_MATERIALS     Display Material List                                                 .
CKML_RUN_PLANTS_FOR_DATE_DISP  Actual Costing: All Plants in Costing Runs                            .
CKML_RUN_STATUS                Update of Totals Status in the INDX Table                             .
CKML_RUN_TYPE_ADMINISTER       Costing Run Profile: Create, Change, etc.                             .
CLASSIFICATION_V8              Report CLASSIFICATION_V8                                              .
CLASSINFO                      Classification Overview Retail -" CRM                                 .
CLASS_TEST                     Program CLASS_TEST                                                    .
CLEANUP_SAACONT                Clean Up Table SAACONT for Delivery                                   .
CLEAN_MMSITEREF                Clean Purchasing Site Grouping Database Table                         .
CLIENT_INFO_IMPORT             Program CLIENT_INFO_IMPORT                                            .
CLOSING_MONITOR_MIGRA          Closing Cockpit                                                       .
CLS_CHARACTERIZER              Classification Browser                                                .
CLS_CHAR_IN_OBJ_PACKAGE        Include CLS_CHAR_IN_OBJ_PACKAGE                                       .
CLS_CLASSIFY_OBJECT            Program ACC_CLASSIFY_OBJECT                                           .
CLS_DELETE_CLASSIFICATION      Delete Classifications                                                .
CLS_DELETE_CLASSI_BY_ATTRIBUTE Delete Classification by attributes without transport                 .
CLS_DELETE_EXPIRED_RUNS        Program CLS_DELETE_EXPIRED_RUNS                                       .
CLS_DISPLAY_CLASSIFICATION     Program ACC_CLASSIFY_OBJECT                                           .
CLS_DISPLAY_CLASSIFICATION2    Program ACC_CLASSIFY_OBJECT                                           .
CLS_EXECUTE_AFTER_IMPORT_AVAS  Program CLS_EXECUTE_AFTER_IMPORT_AVAS                                 .
CLS_GET_DEFAULTS               Read the defaults of an object with respect to a characteristic       .
CLS_OBJECT_BROWSER             Object browser OBSOLETE!                                              .
CLS_OBJECT_CHARACTERIZATION    Object characterization                                               .
CLS_REPORT_RUN                 Execute Classification Report                                         .
CLS_REPORT_RUN_2               Program CLS_REPORT_RUN_2                                              .
CLS_REPORT_RUN_STATS           Display results of a report run                                       .
CLS_TEST_CONDITION_EDITOR      Program CLS_TEST_CONDITION_EDITOR                                     .
CLS_TRANSPORT_CLASSIFICATIONS  Search and transport classifications                                  .
CLU_REPAIR                     ICNV: Repair of Wrong Logical Cluster Rows                            .
CL_QB_JOIN_BUILDER_TEST        Report NETGRAPHIC1_TEST                                               .
CL_QB_JOIN_BUILDER_TEST2       Report NETGRAPHIC1_TEST                                               .
CMAC_FINANCIAL_HOLD_REMOVE     Remove student financial holds according to financial situation       .
CME_CHECK_CUSTOMIZING          Check CME Customizing & MDF Parts                                     .
CME_TESTUNIT_CHAR              Test Unit for Characteristic (CME)                                    .
CME_TESTUNIT_DSCOPE            Test Unit for CME Test - Definition Scope                             .
CMPB_ASGN_DISPLAY              Display Campaign Assignment                                           .
CMPGN_WHERE_USED_LIST          Where-Used List for Campaign                                          .
CMP_CHECK_TEMPLATES            Overview: Code Composer Templates                                     .
CMTABLEINFO                    Display Report for IBase of CM                                        .
CMX_ISE_START_VERI             Intersession Events: Start Function Test                              .
CM_CDT_AREA_CALCULATE          Report for Calculating Areas along a CDT                              .
CM_CDT_REPAIR_MASTERDATA       Report for Calculating Areas along a CDT                              .
CM_CONFIGBASELINE_CREATEMULTI  CM: Create Several Baselines in the Background                        .
CM_CONFIGBASELINE_EXPLODE      Explode Baseline                                                      .
CM_MAIN                        Main program for the CM workbench                                     .
CM_MAP_MP_1_CM_TM_1            Call for Space Management                                             .
CM_WORKBENCH                   CM_WORKBENCH program                                                  .
CN24NREPORT_SUB                CN24N: Overall Network Scheduling                                     .
CNAFVC_BANFO_CHECK             Note  492767                                                          .
CNETWPROG                      Progress Report: Network Activities                                   .
CNHIERAR                       Hierarchy Analysis Project, Note 149698                               .
CNHTTST1                       Demo for HTML Control: Use as General WWW Browser                     .
CNHTTST2                       Demo for HTML Control: Processing Control Events in ABAP              .
CNHTTST3                       Demo for HTML Control: Use with WebRFC                                .
CNHTTST4                       Demo for HTML ControL: Own Initial Pages for WebRFC                   .
CNMMREPORT                     Project-Oriented Procurement                                          .
CNSTATUS                       Analysis and Correction of Status Inconsistencies in Project Strct Pln.
CNS_CP_DELETE                  Delete Change Pointers                                                .
CNS_CP_MONITOR                 Change Pointer Monitor                                                .
CNVCDMCUCIA_DISPLAY_RESULTS    CDMC : UCIA - Display Results of Analysis                             .
CNVCDMCUCIA_EXT_SUBROUTINES    CDMC: UCIA: Analyse impact of changes to SAP Subroutines called ext.  .
CNVCDMCUCIA_GET_CHANGED_OBJS   CDMC : UCIA - Determination of SAP Objects impacted in an Upgrade / SP.
CNVCDMCUCIA_GET_USED_SAP_OBJS  CDMC : UCIA - Determine the SAP Objects used in Customer Objects      .
CNVCDMCUCIA_IMPACT_ON_CUST_BDC CDMC: UCIA - Analyze the impact of UPGRADE/SPA on customer's BDC progs.
CNVCDMCUCIA_KB_GETOBJLIST      CDMC: UCIA: Get SAP Objects List for storing in Knowledge Base        .
CNVCDMCUCIA_KB_GETOBJLIST_SP8  CDMC: UCIA: Get SAP Objects List for storing in Knowledge Base        .
CNVCDMCUCIA_PERFORM_REMCOMPARE CDMC : UCIA - Perform remote comparison of the impacted SAP Objects   .
CNVCDMC_CC_DELETE_PROJECT_CA   CDMC Clearing Analysis - Program to delete a project                  .
CNVCDMC_CC_DELETE_PROJECT_UCIA CDMC Clearing Analysis - Program to delete a project                  .
CNVCDOPUCIA_DISPLAY_RESULTS    CDOP : UCIA - Display Results of Analysis                             .
CNVCDOPUCIA_EXT_SUBROUTINES    CDOP: UCIA: Analyse impact of changes to SAP Subroutines called ext.  .
CNVCDOPUCIA_GET_CHANGED_OBJS   CDOP : UCIA - Determination of SAP Objects impacted in an Upgrade / SP.
CNVCDOPUCIA_GET_USED_SAP_OBJS  CDOP : UCIA - Determine the SAP Objects used in Customer Objects      .
CNVCDOPUCIA_IMPACT_ON_CUST_BDC CDOP: UCIA - Analyze the impact of UPGRADE/SPA on customer's BDC progs.
CNVCDOPUCIA_KB_GETOBJLIST      CDOP: UCIA: Get SAP Objects List for storing in Knowledge Base        .
CNVCDOPUCIA_KB_GETOBJLIST_SP8  CDOP: UCIA: Get SAP Objects List for storing in Knowledge Base        .
CNVCDOPUCIA_PERFORM_REMCOMPARE CDOP : UCIA - Perform remote comparison of the impacted SAP Objects   .
CNVCDOP_CC_DELETE_PROJECT_CA   CDOP Clearing Analysis - Program to delete a project                  .
CNVCDOP_CC_DELETE_PROJECT_UCIA CDOP Clearing Analysis - Program to delete a project                  .
CNVCDOP_SQLTR_DOWNLD_TRACEFILE Download SQL trace file from Application server to Frontend           .
CNVMBTDTL_CLUSTER_DELETE       Delete cluster data in the sender system refering to a certain RELID  .
CNV_CDMC_CA_ADHOC_DISPLAY      Display Analysis bsed on various views                                .
CNV_CDMC_CA_BOTTOM_UP          CDMC: Clearing Analysis - Determines the set of used programs         .
CNV_CDMC_CA_COLLECT_CUSTOBJS   CDMC: Clearing Analysis - Determination of Custom Objects             .
CNV_CDMC_CA_COLLECT_SAPMOD     CDMC : Clearing Analysis - Determination of SAP Modifications         .
CNV_CDMC_CA_COLLECT_STAT       Read statistic file on application server                             .
CNV_CDMC_CA_COLLECT_STAT_700   Test                                                                  .
CNV_CDMC_CA_COLLECT_STAT_EVAL  New Program for Statistics Evaluation                                 .
CNV_CDMC_CA_COLLECT_TAB_STAT   CDMC: Collect Table Call statistics                                   .
CNV_CDMC_CA_CONFIRM_ANALYSIS   CDMC : Confirm Analysis and import all data to Control Center         .
CNV_CDMC_CA_DISPLAY            Display Analysis bsed on various views                                .
CNV_CDMC_CA_GET_DUPL_DOMS      Report for Duplicate Domain determination                             .
CNV_CDMC_CA_GET_INACTIVE_OBJS  CDMC: Clearing Analysis - Determination of Inactive Objects           .
CNV_CDMC_CA_GET_TRKORR_NR      CDMC : Transport Frequency Determination of Modified/Customer objects .
CNV_CDMC_CA_IMPLEMEN_USER_EXIT Transaction code for implemented User Exit                            .
CNV_CDMC_CA_IMPORT_STATISTICS  CDMC : Import Statistics into the control Center                      .
CNV_CDMC_CA_MASS_COMPARE       CDMC : Mass Comparison Report                                         .
CNV_CDMC_CA_OBJS_NO_REF        Determines the Customer Objects with no Reference                     .
CNV_CDMC_CA_PROJ_LANDSCAPE     Define Project Specific System Landscape                              .
CNV_CDMC_CA_RUNTIME_TRACE      CDMC: Clearing Analysis - Evaluates an existing runtime trace file    .
CNV_CDMC_CA_SHOW_CLEARING_DOCU CDMC : Documentation for the Clearing Functions                       .
CNV_CDMC_CA_SYNTAX_CHECK       CDMC: Clearing Analysis - Determination of Objects with Syntax Errors .
CNV_CDMC_CA_TABLE_NODATA       CDMC Clearing Analysis : Determination of Customer Tables with No Data.
CNV_CDMC_CA_TOP_DOWN           CDMC: Clearing Analysis - Determines the set of used programs         .
CNV_CDMC_CC_IMG                Create customer projects                                              .
CNV_CDMC_CC_IMGDEF             Create CDMC Source Project                                            .
CNV_CDMC_CC_PROJECT_DATA       Displays data of specified project in current system                  .
CNV_CDMC_CC_PROJ_IMG           Display selected CDMC Project                                         .
CNV_CDMC_CC_SHOW_SAPNOTES      CDMC : Show SAP Notes relevant for Clearing Analysis                  .
CNV_CDMC_OTH_TADIR_CHECK       Check TADIR Inconsistencies                                           .
CNV_CDMC_UCIA_DISP_KWBS        CDMC: UCIA: Dispaly Object List from Knowledge base Cluster           .
CNV_CDMC_UCIA_KWBS_IMP_OBJLIST CDMC UCIA: Program to extract object list & details from Other systems.
CNV_CDMC_UCIA_KWBS_IMP_OBL_SP8 CDMC UCIA: Program to extract object list & details from Other systems.
CNV_CDMC_UCIA_REM_CMP_AGNST_KB Remote Comparison against Knowledge Base                              .
CNV_CDOP_CA_ADHOC_DISPLAY      Display Analysis bsed on various views                                .
CNV_CDOP_CA_BOTTOM_UP          CDOP: Clearing Analysis - Determines the set of used programs         .
CNV_CDOP_CA_COLLECT_CUSTOBJS   CDOP: Clearing Analysis - Determination of Custom Objects             .
CNV_CDOP_CA_COLLECT_SAPMOD     CDOP : Clearing Analysis - Determination of SAP Modifications         .
CNV_CDOP_CA_COLLECT_STAT       Read statistic file on application server                             .
CNV_CDOP_CA_COLLECT_STAT_700   Test                                                                  .
CNV_CDOP_CA_COLLECT_STAT_EVAL  New Program for Statistics Evaluation                                 .
CNV_CDOP_CA_COLLECT_TAB_STAT   CDOP: Collect Table Call statistics                                   .
CNV_CDOP_CA_CONFIRM_ANALYSIS   CDOP : Confirm Analysis and import all data to Control Center         .
CNV_CDOP_CA_DISPLAY            Display Analysis bsed on various views                                .
CNV_CDOP_CA_GET_DUPL_DOMS      Report for Duplicate Domain determination                             .
CNV_CDOP_CA_GET_INACTIVE_OBJS  CDOP: Clearing Analysis - Determination of Inactive Objects           .
CNV_CDOP_CA_GET_TRKORR_NR      CDOP : Transport Frequency Determination of Modified/Customer objects .
CNV_CDOP_CA_IMPLEMEN_USER_EXIT Transaction code for implemented User Exit                            .
CNV_CDOP_CA_IMPORT_STATISTICS  CDOP : Import Statistics into the control Center                      .
CNV_CDOP_CA_MASS_COMPARE       CDOP : Mass Comparison Report                                         .
CNV_CDOP_CA_OBJS_NO_REF        Determines the Customer Objects with no Reference                     .
CNV_CDOP_CA_PROJ_LANDSCAPE     Define Project Specific System Landscape                              .
CNV_CDOP_CA_RUNTIME_TRACE      CDOP: Clearing Analysis - Evaluates an existing runtime trace file    .
CNV_CDOP_CA_SHOW_CLEARING_DOCU CDOP : Documentation for the Clearing Functions                       .
CNV_CDOP_CA_SQLTRACE_ANALYSIS  Analyze SQL trace file to get information about used modified objects .
CNV_CDOP_CA_SYNTAX_CHECK       CDOP: Clearing Analysis - Determination of Objects with Syntax Errors .
CNV_CDOP_CA_TABLE_NODATA       CDOP Clearing Analysis : Determination of Customer Tables with No Data.
CNV_CDOP_CA_TOP_DOWN           CDOP: Clearing Analysis - Determines the set of used programs         .
CNV_CDOP_CC_IMG                Create customer projects                                              .
CNV_CDOP_CC_IMGDEF             Create CDOP Source Project                                            .
CNV_CDOP_CC_PROJECT_DATA       Displays data of specified project in current system                  .
CNV_CDOP_CC_PROJ_IMG           Display selected CDOP Project                                         .
CNV_CDOP_CC_SHOW_SAPNOTES      CDOP : Show SAP Notes relevant for Clearing Analysis                  .
CNV_CDOP_OTH_TADIR_CHECK       Check TADIR Inconsistencies                                           .
CNV_CDOP_UCIA_DISP_KWBS        CDOP: UCIA: Dispaly Object List from Knowledge base Cluster           .
CNV_CDOP_UCIA_KWBS_IMP_OBJLIST CDOP UCIA: Program to extract object list & details from Other systems.
CNV_CDOP_UCIA_KWBS_IMP_OBL_SP8 CDOP UCIA: Program to extract object list & details from Other systems.
CNV_CMIS_A_10_COMPARE          Comparison of repository objects for CMIS repository analysis         .
CNV_CMIS_A_10_LOCAL_DISPLAY    Program CNV_CMIS_A_10_LOCAL_DISPLAY                                   .
CNV_CMIS_A_10_MBT_INIT_COMPARE Comparison of Repository objects from the sender and receiver systems .
CNV_CMIS_A_10_MBT_INIT_DISPLAY Display repository objects information for CMIS Repository Analysis   .
CNV_CMIS_A_10_MBT_INIT_SELECT  Selection of Repository objects into sender and receiver systems      .
CNV_CMIS_A_10_SELECT           Selection of repository objects in the local system                   .
CNV_CMIS_A_20_ANALYSIS         Client independent customizing comparison                             .
CNV_CMIS_A_20_ANALYZE_TABSIZE  Program to Analysis table size                                        .
CNV_CMIS_A_20_CHECK_CONTENT    Report CNV_CMIS_A_20_CHECK_CONTENT                                    .
CNV_CMIS_A_20_CHECK_FIELDLIST  Program CNV_CMIS_A_20_CHECK_FIELDLIST : Check field technical settings.
CNV_CMIS_A_20_CHECK_TABLE      Program CNV_CMIS_A_20_CHECK_TABLE                                     .
CNV_CMIS_A_20_CONTENT_SUBMIT   Include CNV_CMIS_A_20_CONTENT_SUBMIT                                  .
CNV_CMIS_A_20_DELETE           Program to Delete CCCC data                                           .
CNV_CMIS_A_20_DELETE_PROGRAM   Include CNV_CMIS_A_20_DELETE_PROGRAM                                  .
CNV_CMIS_A_20_GET_FIELDLIST    Program CNV_CMIS_A_20_GET_FIELDLIST                                   .
CNV_CMIS_A_20_GET_TABLE_SIZES  Program to submit background job to calculate table size              .
CNV_CMIS_A_20_WL               Create a work list                                                    .
CNV_CMIS_A_20_WL_COMPARE       Table comparison via RFC                                              .
CNV_CMIS_A_20_WL_FIN           Adjust central worklist table                                         .
CNV_CMIS_A_20_WL_MAIN          Show result of worklist table for Cross-Client Cust.Comparison        .
CNV_CMIS_A_20_WL_RELEASE       Show result of worklist table for Cross-Client Cust.Comparison        .
CNV_CMIS_A_20_WL_RFC           Program to call RFC get_worklist                                      .
CNV_CMIS_A_20_WL_START         Program starter for PCL IMG start                                     .
CNV_CMIS_A_30_LCL_DISPLAY      Program to Display the Analysis data in the local System              .
CNV_CMIS_A_30_MBT_INIT_COMPARE Program to Compare System Analysis Data                               .
CNV_CMIS_A_30_MBT_INIT_DISPLAY System Comparison                                                     .
CNV_CMIS_A_30_MBT_INIT_START   Program to collect system information                                 .
CNV_CMIS_A_30_SELECT           Selects system details for CMIS system analysis                       .
CNV_CMIS_A_HTML_REPORT         Programe to create HTML summary for CMIS Analysis                     .
CNV_CMIS_A_HTML_REPORT_SUBMIT  Program to be Submitted for the HTML Summary report.                  .
CNV_CMIS_A_STATE_AGENT         Program CNV_CMIS_A_STATE_AGENT                                        .
CNV_CURR_TEST                  Test report for RFC calls of Conversion Engine for Currencies         .
CNV_MBT_ACPLANS_CALC           Calulate specific access plan(s)                                      .
CNV_MBT_ACPLANS_CALC_SA        State agent for CNV_MBT_ACPLANS_CALC                                  .
CNV_MBT_ACTIVITY_DUMMY         Dummy Activity                                                        .
CNV_MBT_ACT_DEF_46             Program CNV_MBT_ACT_DEF_46                                            .
CNV_MBT_ACT_DET_46             Program CNV_MBT_ACT_DET_46 - Activity Details                         .
CNV_MBT_ACT_STATUS_EDIT_46     Program CNV_MBT_ACT_STATUS_EDIT_46                                    .
CNV_MBT_APPLN_PACKAGE_COPY     Copy Package                                                          .
CNV_MBT_ASSIGN_ACT_TO_ACTGRP   Activity group Definition and Maintenance                             .
CNV_MBT_CHECK                  MBT Checks                                                            .
CNV_MBT_CHECK_BEFORE_DATA_LOAD Last checks before starting the data load                             .
CNV_MBT_CHECK_CLIND_TABLES     Report CNV_MBT_CHECK_CLIND_TABLES                                     .
CNV_MBT_CHECK_COPYC            Check copy variants for CMIS and TDMS packages                        .
CNV_MBT_CHECK_START            PCL Checks                                                            .
CNV_MBT_CLUSTER_CREATE         Conversion: Create cluster for temporary data storage                 .
CNV_MBT_CLUSTER_DEL            Delete cluster data in the sender system refering to a certain RELID  .
CNV_MBT_CLUSTER_DELETE         Delete cluster CNVMBTCLU                                              .
CNV_MBT_CONV_OBJ_DEF_46        Conversion object definition                                          .
CNV_MBT_COPY_INCLUDES          MBT PCL - Copy includes in Control and in Central system              .
CNV_MBT_CR_MAINTAIN            Program CNV_MBT_CR_MAINTAIN                                           .
CNV_MBT_CR_MAINTAIN_RUN        Program CNV_MBT_CR_MAINTAIN_RUN                                       .
CNV_MBT_CR_RUN_CHECKING_GROUP  Program CNV_MBT_CR_RUN_CHECKING_GROUP                                 .
CNV_MBT_CUSTOMER_ANALYSIS      Customer Search                                                       .
CNV_MBT_CUSTOMER_SAVE          Save customer objects                                                 .
CNV_MBT_CUSTOMER_SEARCH        Customer Search                                                       .
CNV_MBT_CUSTOMER_SEARCH_SA     State Agent for PC001_CUSTOMER_SEARCH                                 .
CNV_MBT_DATA_LOAD_CONSISTENCY  Check consistency of data transfer                                    .
CNV_MBT_DB_ANALYZE             PCL Generate Conversion Objects                                       .
CNV_MBT_DOCU_CREATE            Create, edit or view activity documentation                           .
CNV_MBT_DOCU_CREATE_CHECKID    Create, edit or view PCL checks documentation                         .
CNV_MBT_DOCU_CREATE_PROCTYPE   Create, edit or view PCL checks documentation                         .
CNV_MBT_DOCU_CREATE_SELGRP     Create edit or view selection group documentation                     .
CNV_MBT_DOCU_CREATE_TS         Create, edit or view activity documentation                           .
CNV_MBT_DOMRULES_ASSIGN        Assign Domain Rules                                                   .
CNV_MBT_DTL_TECHNICAL_SETTINGS Trouble Shooting: Change Technical Settings                           .
CNV_MBT_EXPERT_MODE            Call activities in expert mode                                        .
CNV_MBT_GENER_IMG_FOR_LOCKSYST Create Activities and IMG Steps Based on Table cnvmbtlocksyst         .
CNV_MBT_GENWHERE_CLAUSE_46     Where Clause for the Conversion Object                                .
CNV_MBT_GLOBAL_PARAMETERS      Program CNV_MBT_GLOBAL_PARAMETERS                                     .
CNV_MBT_HEADER_INTO_CLUSTER    Fill Header Tables into Cluster                                       .
CNV_MBT_JOBS_CONTROL           Background Processes. Settings. (Job Control)                         .
CNV_MBT_JOBS_CONTROL_ND        Technical Settings (Jobs, Systems, Semaphores)                        .
CNV_MBT_LOCK_DEST_AGAINST_CHNG Lock the Destinations Against Changing                                .
CNV_MBT_LOCK_ONE_SYSTEM        Lock the not project involved users in the receiver system            .
CNV_MBT_LOCK_USER              Lock User in Table usr02                                              .
CNV_MBT_MAINTAIN_ACTLOG        Activity execution log                                                .
CNV_MBT_MAINTAIN_LOCKSYST      Maintenance of Table cnvmbtlocksyst                                   .
CNV_MBT_MANUAL_ACTIVITY_46     Backgroud program for manual activities                               .
CNV_MBT_MAPPING_TABLES         Pflege der Mapping-Tabellen                                           .
CNV_MBT_MODIFIABLE_INFO        MBT PCL Get modifiable information                                    .
CNV_MBT_MONITOR                Prototyp PCL Monitor                                                  .
CNV_MBT_MONITOR1               Migration Process Monitor                                             .
CNV_MBT_MSG_MAINTENANCE        Program CNV_MBT_MSG_MAINTENANCE                                       .
CNV_MBT_MT_ACPLANS_CALC        PCL Calculate Access Plan                                             .
CNV_MBT_MT_CONVOBJECTS_DEFINE  PCL Define Conversion Objects                                         .
CNV_MBT_MT_DATA_LOAD           PCL Start Data Load                                                   .
CNV_MBT_MT_DEFINE              PCL Define Masstransfer-ID                                            .
CNV_MBT_MT_RT_GEN              PCL Generate Conversion Objects                                       .
CNV_MBT_NODATA_SET             Set no-data flag in the CNVMBTTABLES                                  .
CNV_MBT_NODATA_SET_PCL         Set no-data and no-exist flag                                         .
CNV_MBT_NOTE_MGMT_46           Notes Management                                                      .
CNV_MBT_OVERVIEW               Migration Server Overview                                             .
CNV_MBT_OVERVIEW_COLTREE       Program CNV_MBT_OVERVIEW_ND                                           .
CNV_MBT_OVERVIEW_DEF_46        Partner Platform for Package Development                              .
CNV_MBT_OVERVIEW_DEF_TDMS_46   TDMS Workbench: Package Development                                   .
CNV_MBT_OVERVIEW_ND            Program CNV_MBT_OVERVIEW_ND                                           .
CNV_MBT_PACKAGE_COPY           Copy Package                                                          .
CNV_MBT_PACKAGE_LOAD           Load or Blend Packages in PCL                                         .
CNV_MBT_PACKAGE_REORG          Program CNV_MBT_PACKAGE_REORG                                         .
CNV_MBT_PACK_DEF_46            Package definition function                                           .
CNV_MBT_PACK_OVERVIEW_46       Partner Platform for Package Development                              .
CNV_MBT_PACK_OVERVIEW_INIT_46  Initial Call Program for Package Overview Program                     .
CNV_MBT_PAT06_CONTROL          PAT06-Control: Avoid ADDONS to be upgraded                            .
CNV_MBT_PC_ACT_START           Jobs Starter (activity starter)                                       .
CNV_MBT_PC_PROG_START          Program starter                                                       .
CNV_MBT_PC_SCHEDULE_AGENT      MBT PCL: State Agent for starting activities                          .
CNV_MBT_PC_SCHEDULE_START      MBT PCL: Program for starting activities                              .
CNV_MBT_PC_SCHEDULE_START_AGNT MBT PCL: State Agent for repeating of activities massstarter          .
CNV_MBT_PROCESS_TREE           Migration Process tree                                                .
CNV_MBT_PROCESS_TREE_MON_46    Migration Process Tree and Monitor                                    .
CNV_MBT_PROCTYPE_DEF           Process type definition                                               .
CNV_MBT_PROCTYPE_INIT          Initial selection screen type program for Process type definition     .
CNV_MBT_PROC_TREE_DEF_DELTA_46 Process Tree delta definition                                         .
CNV_MBT_PROJ_DEFINE            PCL Create Project                                                    .
CNV_MBT_PROJ_RESET             PCL Create Project                                                    .
CNV_MBT_PS_PIECELIST_CREATE    Create piece list for a given package                                 .
CNV_MBT_READING_TYPE           Select reading type (Cluster or not)                                  .
CNV_MBT_REGISTER_USER_ND       Program CNV_MBT_REGISTER_USER_ND                                      .
CNV_MBT_REORG_MASS             CNV MBT Mass Reorganization                                           .
CNV_MBT_RFC_CROSS_CHECK        Cross check of all destinations of a package                          .
CNV_MBT_RFC_EXCLUSIVE_SYNCH    Synchronization of destinations                                       .
CNV_MBT_RFC_MANAGEMENT         RFC Management in PCL                                                 .
CNV_MBT_RFC_MANAGEMENT_SIMPLE  MBT PCL Maintenance of RFC destinations for a Migration package       .
CNV_MBT_RFC_UNLOCK_LOCK_DEST   Show and maintain lock status                                         .
CNV_MBT_RULES_CHANGE           Change already existing rules in the DTL environment                  .
CNV_MBT_RULES_DEF_46           Rules Maintenance platform : Main program                             .
CNV_MBT_SCRAMBLE_INIT_CRE_SCRL Program CNV_MBT_SCRAMBLE_INIT_CRE_SCRL                                .
CNV_MBT_SCRAMBLE_UI            Program CNV_MBT_SCRAMBLE_UI                                           .
CNV_MBT_SELDEF_46              Selection Group Definition and Maintenance                            .
CNV_MBT_SEMAPHORE_CONTROL      Tabstrip Control - Scrolling at Application Server                    .
CNV_MBT_SEMAPHORE_DEFINE       Defines semaphores in the DTL                                         .
CNV_MBT_SET_WRITE_MODE         MBT PCL : set write mode of conversion object                         .
CNV_MBT_SHOW_ACTIVITY_INFO     Program CNV_MBT_SHOW_ACTIVITY_INFO                                    .
CNV_MBT_STATE_AGENT_DTL        State Agent DTL                                                       .
CNV_MBT_STATE_REFRESH          mbt pcl state information refresh                                     .
CNV_MBT_SUBACT_JOBS_START      Jobs Starter                                                          .
CNV_MBT_SUBPROJ_DEFINE         PCL Create Project                                                    .
CNV_MBT_SYNC_INFORMATION       MBT PCL synchonize PCL control tale information for a given package   .
CNV_MBT_TABLE_FULL_SCAN        Scan table for clean-out of data blocks (to avoid ORA-1555)           .
CNV_MBT_TROUBLE_SHOOTING       Program CNV_MBT_TROUBLE_SHOOTING                                      .
CNV_MBT_TS_MT_STATUS_SET       Trouble-Shooting, change DTL status of conversion objects             .
CNV_MBT_TS_OBJECT_REWORK       (Re)Define/Generate/Calculate objects in one step                     .
CNV_MBT_TS_OVERVIEW            Program CNV_MBT_TS_OVERVIEW                                           .
CNV_MBT_TS_SEL_SENDER_CLUSTER  MBT PCL : Set up deletion of data in sender cluster                   .
CNV_MBT_UNLOCK_ONE_SYSTEM      Unlock the users in the receiver system in a given package            .
CNV_MBT_UNLOCK_USER            Unlock Users                                                          .
CNV_MBT_USR_CHOOSE_SYSTEMS     Selection screen to choose one or more systems                        .
CNV_MBT_USR_REGISTER_SUB_PRO   Register users                                                        .
CNV_MBT_USR_REG_SUB_PRO_ND     Program CNV_MBT_USR_REG_SUB_PRO_ND                                    .
CNV_MBT_USR_SET_USERTABLE      Set the table cnvmbtusr with the user of the project and subproject   .
CNV_MBT_USR_TREE_ASSIGNED_USER Determine to which packid, project and subproject the user is assigned.
CNV_MBT_USR_TREE_USER_ASSIG_TO Shows the proj., subproj. and packages the user is assigned to        .
CNV_MBT_USR_UNLOCK_SIMPLE      Program CNV_MBT_USR_UNLOCK_SIMPLE                                     .
CNV_MBT_WRITE_BEHAVIOUR_CHANGE Trouble Shooting: Change write behaviour of failed conv objects       .
CNV_TDMS_01_FROM               Analyse and define 'From Date'                                        .
CNV_TDMS_01_FROM_RFH           Analyse and define 'From Date'                                        .
CNV_TDMS_01_LOAD_CCODES        Background Program: Load Company Codes and Org Units                  .
CNV_TDMS_01_ORGUNIT_SELEC      Program CNV_TDMS_01_ORGUNIT_SELEC                                     .
CNV_TDMS_01_SELECT_CCODES      Reduction based on Company Code - Orgunit                             .
CNV_TDMS_02_AC_PLAN_CALC       Program CNV_TDMS_02_AC_PLAN_CALC                                      .
CNV_TDMS_02_AMOUNT             Information about amount of data being transferred to receiver system .
CNV_TDMS_02_COUNT              TDMS: Counting of entries                                             .
CNV_TDMS_02_GETSIZE            Table and index size for all databases                                .
CNV_TDMS_02_RUNTIME_GET        Check source RFC client against target RFC client                     .
CNV_TDMS_02_TABLEINFO          Program CNV_TDMS_02_TABLEINFO                                         .
CNV_TDMS_02_TABLEREDUCTION     Program CNV_TDMS_02_TABLEREDUCTION                                    .
CNV_TDMS_03_ASSIGN_VALUES      Assignment of GROUP_ID to convobjects                                 .
CNV_TDMS_03_CONFIRM_SETTINGS   Confirmation of "From Date"                                           .
CNV_TDMS_03_FIND_REDUC         Findings of possible Group_IDs for tables to be reduced               .
CNV_TDMS_03_REDUC_MAINTAIN     Assign Selection Groups                                               .
CNV_TDMS_04_CLASSI_X           Classification of the Active Tables in the Sender System              .
CNV_TDMS_04_COMPARE_P          Compare filled tables from CNVTDMS_04_TABLES                          .
CNV_TDMS_04_DECIDE_MAT_LED_P   Set notuse for TDMS_04 MD&C in table CNVMBTTABLES                     .
CNV_TDMS_04_DECIDE_STOCK_P     Set notuse for TDMS_04 MD&C in table CNVMBTTABLES                     .
CNV_TDMS_04_MAINTAIN_P         Maintenace view for table cnvtdms_04_tab                              .
CNV_TDMS_04_SET_NOTUSE_P       Set notuse for TDMS_04 MD&C in table CNVMBTTABLES                     .
CNV_TDMS_05_ACTIVATE_HEADER    Check source RFC client against target RFC client                     .
CNV_TDMS_05_ANALYSE_TABLES     Analyse table contents for TDMS                                       .
CNV_TDMS_05_CREATE_INDEX_TAB   Create Fill Header "Index table" only - for oracle Systems            .
CNV_TDMS_05_CT_EIS             Program CNV_TDMS_05_CT_EIS                                            .
CNV_TDMS_05_CT_LIS             Program CNV_TDMS_05_CT_LIS                                            .
CNV_TDMS_05_CT_SPLD            Program CNV_TDMS_05_CT_SPLD                                           .
CNV_TDMS_05_JEST_ANALYZE       Analyze Jest entries for OBART                                        .
CNV_TDMS_05_RESET_ACS_PLANS_P  Reset calculated access plans                                         .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_AN_COBRA        Analysis of the prefixes in table COBRA                               .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_AN_COBRB        Analyze and count the objectnumber suffix to identify large Appl.     .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CLUSTER_CHECK   Check entries in TDMS FILL HEADER CLUSTER                             .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CLUSTFILL_COSS  Program to fill cluster externally for X_COEP_COSS                    .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CLUSTFILL_GLS1  data selection into cluster table for table GLS1 (via GLSP)           .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_ACCTHD       Collect Header document number from ACCTIT-BUDAT into CNV_M1100_ACCTHD.
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_AUFK         Collect AUFK out of table AFKO also via CNVTDMS_05_AUFPL-AUFPL        .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_AUFPL        Collect AFKO-AUFPL as pre selection for CNVTDMS_05_AUFK               .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_BKPF         Collect document numbers from table EKKO                              .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_BKPF_CLU     Collect document numbers from table EKKO                              .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_CE           Collect header object numbers out of table CE1....                    .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_CE_CLU       Collect header object numbers out of table CE1....                    .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_CE_NEW       Collect header object numbers out of table CE1....                    .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_CE_OLD       Collect header object numbers out of table CE1....                    .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_CKMLHD       Collect Header document number from ACCTIT-BUDAT into CNV_M1100_ACCTHD.
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_CKMLMV004    Collect SD document numbers for VBUK                                  .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_CKMLMV004_1  Collect SD document numbers for VBUK                                  .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_COBRA        Collect Header object numbers  into Table CNVTDMS_05_COBRB            .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_COBRB        Collect header entries of COBRB                                       .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_COTAB        Collect Header entries for COBK-BELNR and COEP-OBJNR                  .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_COTAB_N      Collect Header entries for COBK-BELNR and COEP-OBJNR                  .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_DIMP         Collect document numbers from table EKKO                              .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_DPAY         Collect document numbers from table EKKO                              .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_EBAN         Collect document numbers from table EKKO                              .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_EBAN_OLD     Collect document numbers from table EKKO                              .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_EIKP         Collect document  number from table EIKP                              .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_EKKO         Collect document numbers from table EKKO                              .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_EKKO_BEHR    Collect document numbers from table EKKO                              .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_EQUI         Program to get valid equipment numbers from table EQUI                .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_FPLA         Collect document  number from table EIKP                              .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_FPLA_NEW     Collect document  number from table EIKP                              .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_JEST         Collect object numbers from table JEST                                .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_JEST_LINDE   Collect object numbers from table JEST                                .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_JEST_REST    Collect rest of Jest entries in table JES_R                           .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_JEST_REST_LI Collect rest of Jest entries in table JES_R                           .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_KBED         Collect capacity requirements IDs (BEDID) into header table KBED      .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_KONV         Collect condition header numbers into header table KONV               .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_MLAUF        Collect Header document number from ACCTIT-BUDAT into CNV_M1100_ACCTHD.
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_MLBE         Collect Header document number from ACCTIT-BUDAT into CNV_M1100_ACCTHD.
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_STXH         Collect object numbers from STXH                                      .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_VBSK         Collect document numbers for VBSK                                     .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_VBUK         Collect SD document numbers for VBUK                                  .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_VBUK_1       Collect more data into VBUK VBELV = VBELN out of VBFA                 .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_VBUK_1_N     Collect more data into VBUK VBELV = VBELN out of VBFA                 .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_VBUK_1_OL1   Collect more data into VBUK VBELV = VBELN out of VBFA                 .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_VBUK_1_OLD   Collect more data into VBUK VBELV = VBELN out of VBFA                 .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_VBUK_1_R     Collect more data into VBUK VBELV = VBELN out of VBFA                 .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_VBUK_2       Collect more documents for VBUK VBELN = VBELN out of VBFA             .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_VBUK_2_N     Collect more documents for VBUK VBELN = VBELN out of VBFA             .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_VBUK_N       Collect SD document numbers for VBUK                                  .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_VFKN         Collect header document numbers for VFKN                              .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_VSAFFH_CN    Program to get Number or name of a version from VSAFFH_CN             .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_VSAFKO_CN    Program to get Number or name of a version from VSAFKO_CN             .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_VSAFVC_CN    Program to get Number or name of a version from VSAFVC_CN             .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_VSAFVV_CN    Program to get Number or name of a version from VSAFVV_CN             .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_VSRESB_CN    Program to get Number or name of a version from VSRESB_CN             .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_VTTK_VFKK    Collect header document numbers for VTTK and VFKK                     .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_WBHK         Collect condition header numbers into header table KONV               .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_WBHK_1       Collect condition header numbers into header table KONV               .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_WBRK         Collect condition header numbers into header table KONV               .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_WBRK_1       Collect condition header numbers into header table KONV               .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_WBRK_1_U     Collect condition header numbers into header table KONV               .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_WKBK         Collect header entries of COBRB                                       .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_WKHIND       Collect header entries of COBRB                                       .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_CO_WOSAV        Collect document numbers from table EKKO                              .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_DELETE_TABLES   Reset header tables after conversion                                  .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_RESET_TABLES    Reset header tables after conversion                                  .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_RESET_TABLES_O  Reset header tables after conversion                                  .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_RES_ACS_PLAN    Restart Access Plan for header table objects                          .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_RES_TABLES_DROP Reset header tables after conversion                                  .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_SCHEMA_X        Count records                                                         .
CNV_TDMS_05_TI_SWITCH_OFF_OPT  Collect AUFK out of table AFKO also via CNVTDMS_05_AUFPL-AUFPL        .
CNV_TDMS_05_TRANSFER_NRIV      Check source RFC client against target RFC client                     .
CNV_TDMS_06_EXCLUDE_CDHDR_X    Fill Exclude table for CDHDR                                          .
CNV_TDMS_06_EXCLUDE_HR_TABLES  TDMS: Exclude HR Tables                                               .
CNV_TDMS_06_EXCLUDE_STXH_X     Fill Exclude table for STXH                                           .
CNV_TDMS_06_GET_USER_TAB_X     Get User tables out of sending system                                 .
CNV_TDMS_06_JEST_ANALYZE       Analyze Jest entries for OBART                                        .
CNV_TDMS_06_MAINTAIN_EXCL_P    Check content of table CNVTDMS_04_TAB                                 .
CNV_TDMS_06_RET_POS_INI_X      POS Outbound: Dummy Initialization                                    .
CNV_TDMS_06_SEL_GRP_STXH_P     Compare filled tables from CNVTDMS_04_TABLES                          .
CNV_TDMS_07_AFTER_ADDRESS      copies data from shadow tables back to original tables                .
CNV_TDMS_07_BEFORE_ADDRESS     for copying address data to shadow tables                             .
CNV_TDMS_07_CHOOSE_SAPOFFICE   To choose to Drop/Not drop SAP Office tables in the receiver system   .
CNV_TDMS_07_FINAL              Final step forTDMS package                                            .
CNV_TDMS_07_RESET_BUFFERS_X    Reset table and number range buffers                                  .
CNV_TDMS_07_SW_OFF_TRANSFER    switch off certain tables so that they are not dropped by drop solutio.
CNV_TDMS_07_UPDATE_OFFICE      updates SAP office tables                                             .
CNV_TDMS_08_CHECK_RFC_CLIENTS  Check source RFC client against target RFC client                     .
CNV_TDMS_08_COPY_LOGSYS        Copy logical system from sender                                       .
CNV_TDMS_08_DOM_BUILD_EXCEPT_X Create exception table for client conversion in TDMS                  .
CNV_TDMS_08_DOM_EXCEPT_MAINT_P Maintain special rules for client conversion in TDMS                  .
CNV_TDMS_08_DOM_FORMS_GENER_P  Generate code for package module 'client conversion' in TDMS          .
CNV_TDMS_08_DOM_MANDT_P        Client in Fields                                                      .
CNV_TDMS_08_LOGSYS_CONVERT     Conversion of logical system names in the receiver system             .
CNV_TDMS_09_ACTIVATE_VIEWS     Activate database views after drop-solution                           .
CNV_TDMS_09_CHECK_DROP         Check drop-solution                                                   .
CNV_TDMS_09_CREATE_PROGRAMS    Generate programs for drop solution                                   .
CNV_TDMS_09_DEFINE_DEL_METHOD  Program to define deletion method                                     .
CNV_TDMS_09_DELETE_CLIENT      Program CNV_TDMS_09_DELETE_CLIENT                                     .
CNV_TDMS_09_EXP_CREATE_PROGRAM Create  programs in expert mode (drop-solution)                       .
CNV_TDMS_09_EXP_START_JOBS     Create and start jobs in expert mode (drop-solution)                  .
CNV_TDMS_09_MAINTAIN_CTR       Program CNV_TDMS_09_MAINTAIN_TABLES                                   .
CNV_TDMS_09_MAINTAIN_PACK      Program CNV_TDMS_09_MAINTAIN_TABLES                                   .
CNV_TDMS_09_MAINTAIN_TABLES    Program CNV_TDMS_09_MAINTAIN_TABLES                                   .
CNV_TDMS_09_PACKAGE_CHECK      checks whether the customer search program has done its work properly .
CNV_TDMS_09_RESTART_JOBS       Restart aborted jobs                                                  .
CNV_TDMS_09_START_JOBS         Create and Schedule Jobs for programs of drop solution                .
CNV_TDMS_09_START_JOBS_SA      MBT PCL: State Agent for starting activities                          .
CNV_TDMS_09_TABLES_SEARCH      Searches tables to be deleted by the drop solution package            .
CNV_TDMS_10_INITIALIZE_COPYC   Program CNV_TDMS_10_INITIALIZE_COPYC                                  .
CNV_TDMS_13_MOD_DBEXPORT_FILE  TDSHL_MOD_DBEXPORT_FILE // Exit Logic for R3SETUP                     .
CNV_TDMS_13_SHELL_CHECK_SIZE   Check EXT file entries against CNVTDMS_13_EXCTB                       .
CNV_TDMS_13_SHELL_CREAT_EXCTB  TDSHL_EDIT_EXC_TAB // Define Tables To Be Excluded                    .
CNV_TDMS_13_SHELL_DETER_INSIZE TDSHL_DETERMINE_TABSIZE // Modify Tab. and Index Sizes (assign Method).
CNV_TDMS_13_SHELL_DET_INSIZE_N TDSHL_DETMINE_TABSIZE_N // Modify Tab. and Index Sizes (assign Method).
CNV_TDMS_13_SHELL_EDIT_SIZE    TDSHL_CALCULATE_TABSIZE // Calculate Size of Database                 .
CNV_TDMS_13_SHELL_EXPORT_EXCTB TDSHL_EXPORT_EXC_TAB  //  Export Exclude Table Information            .
CNV_TDMS_13_SHELL_EXP_SIZE     TDSHL_EXPORT_TABSIZE  //  Export Size of Tables and Database          .
CNV_TDMS_13_SHELL_LOAD_SIZE    TDSHL_LOAD_TAB  //  Load Table Size                                   .
CNV_TDMS_99_TEST_SCENARIO_MDC  Creation of reduced test scanario for TDMDC                           .
CNV_TDMS_99_TEST_SCENARIO_REDU reduce number of relevant conversion objects for transfer             .
CNV_TDMS_99_TI_CO_KONV         Collect condition header numbers into header table KONV               .
CNV_TDMS_COPY_LOGSYS           Copy logical system from sender                                       .
CNV_TDMS_TABLE_SETTINGS        Program CNV_TDMS_TABLE_SETTINGS                                       .
CNV_TEXT_TEST                  Test report for RFC calls of Text Engine                              .
CNV_UNIT_TEST                  Test report for RFC calls of Conversion Engine for Units              .
CN_CHECK_ANLI_PRPS             Report CN_CHECK_ANLI_PRPS                                             .
CN_MIGRATION_PSTX_SOI          MIGRATION PS Texts SOI                                                .
COCKMLWIPDEL                   WIP at Actul Costs: Delete Program                                    .
COCKMLWIPWRI                   WIP at Actual Costs: Write Program                                    .
COFCODOCDEL                    Failure Cost Document: Delete Program                                 .
COFCODOCWRI                    Failure Cost Document: Write Program                                  .
COINT_TPOS_DEL                 Report COINT_TPOS_DEL                                                 .
COINT_TPOS_WRI                 Report COINT_TPOS_WRI                                                 .
COKP0001                       Revaluation of Records Planned Using Resources                        .
COKP0003                       Where-Used List for Records Planned Using Resources                   .
COKP0003_BATCH_KPR6            Call Transaction for COKP0003                                         .
COKP0004                       Recalculation of Records Planned Using Recipes                        .
COKPR004                       Revaluate CO Resource Prices                                          .
COKPR005                       Copy CO Resource Prices                                               .
COMLWIPDEL                     WIP Quantity Document: Deletion Program                               .
COMLWIPWRI                     WIP Quantity Document: Write Program                                  .
COMPARE_WIP_DOCUMENT_WITH_QS   Compare WIP Quantity Documents and WIP Quantity Structure             .
COMPCHECK                      Compatibility Check of Server Objects in Exceptions                   .
COMPONENT_EXPORT_EX            Exports a component to a file                                         .
COMPONENT_EXPORT_XML           Exports a component to a file                                         .
COMPONENT_PRINT                Prepares Query Definition for Printing                                .
COMPONENT_REORG                Deletion of queries with selection conditions                         .
COMPUTE_ACT_VERSNO             Program COMPUTE_ACT_VERSNO                                            .
COMPUTE_FREEZE                 Freezing Server Objects                                               .
COMPUTE_INTERFACE              FETCH_USELOG Program                                                  .
COMPUTE_STATISTICS             Create Statistics                                                     .
COMPUTE_TRANSPORTED_OBJS       Program COMPUTE_TRANSPORTED_OBJS                                      .
COMPUTE_USAGE                  Report COMPUTE_USAGE                                                  .
COMPUTE_USAGE_FOR_PROJECT      Program COMPUTE_USAGE_FOR_PROJECT                                     .
COM_ALTID_SHLP_GENERATE        Regenerate Alternative Product IDs for a Product Type                 .
COM_ALTID_TRANSPORT            Transport Set Types                                                   .
COM_ANALYZE_SETTYPE_ATTRIBUTE  Analysis Tool for Checking Consistency of Attributes and Set Types    .
COM_ATTRIBUTE_UPD_PME          Program COM_ATTRIBUTE_UPD_PME                                         .
COM_BUPA_SEND_BP               Program COM_BUPA_SEND_BP                                              .
COM_CATEGORY_TRANSPORT         Transport Category                                                    .
COM_CLEAR_BAPI_TEST            Data Cleansing: Test Program for BAPI Methods                         .
COM_CLEAR_CASE_DELETE          Deletion of Data Cleansing Cases                                      .
COM_CLEAR_CASE_TEST            Data Cleansing: Test Program für FG COM_CLEAR_CASE                    .
COM_CLEAR_RFW_TEST_GUI         Test Prototype RFW for Data Cleansing                                 .
COM_DIFF_KEY_GENERATE          Program COM_DIFF_KEY_GENERATE                                         .
COM_DML_ARCHIVE_DELETE_TEMPL   MDF: Generation Template for Deletion After Archivation Runs          .
COM_DML_ARCHIVE_WRITE_TEMPL    MDF: Generation Template for Writing to Archive                       .
COM_DS_GENERATE_IL             CRM CRD: Generating DataSources for an Interlinkage                   .
COM_DS_GENERATE_SETTYPE        CRM CRD: Generating DataSources for a Set Type                        .
COM_GTIN_DELETE_DUPLICATES     Program COM_GTIN_DELETE_DUPLICATES                                    .
COM_HIERARCHY_DELETE_ALL       Deletes Hierarchies with All Category Data                            .
COM_HIERARCHY_DELETE_SINGLE    Deletes All Hierarchy and Category Data                               .
COM_PME_API_DEMO               Program COM_PME_API_DEMO                                              .
COM_PRODUCT_ARC_CHECKBACK      SAP Product Archiving Deletion Run: Release Products for Deletion     .
COM_PRODUCT_CHECK_STATUS       Status Analysis for CRM Products                                      .
COM_PRODUCT_CONFIG_API_TEST    Product APIs for Configuration Testing                                .
COM_PRODUCT_DELETE_ALL         Deletion of All Product Master Data                                   .
COM_PRODUCT_DELETE_PRWB_USER   Reset User Settings for Product Maintenance                           .
COM_PRODUCT_DELETE_SINGLE      Deletion of a product from the database                               .
COM_PRODUCT_GETSTRUCNAMES      Search for Data Type of Product Set Type                              .
COM_PRODUCT_IDX_CREATE         Creation of the Index Table comm_product_idx                          .
COM_PRODUCT_IDX_DELETE         Deletion of Index Table comm_product_idx                              .
COM_PRODUCT_IDX_RESET_FLAG     Resetting Indicator Index Table                                       .
COM_PRODUCT_IDX_SET_FLAG       Setting the Indicator Index Table                                     .
COM_PRODUCT_PCUI_ENABLE        Generate Blueprint Entries for Hierarchies                            .
COM_PRODUCT_SELECTIONS         SAP Product Archiving Preprocessing: Check Products and Change Status .
COM_PRODUCT_SHLP_GENERATE      Generate Search Help of the COMMPR01 Locator for Product Types        .
COM_PRODUCT_STATUS_DISPLAY     Display Status for CRM Products/Individual Objects                    .
COM_PRODUCT_STATUS_SET         Set Status for CRM Products/Individual Objects                        .
COM_PROD_CAT_REL_CHANGE        Program PROD_CAT_REL_CHANGE                                           .
COM_REGENERATE_ALL_ATTR_40     Post-Generation of All User-Defined Set Types for Release 4.0         .
COM_REGENERATE_ALL_SETS_40     Post-Generation of All User-Defined Set Types for Release 4.0         .
COM_REGENERATE_SETTYPES_40     Post-Generation of Set Types for Release 4.0                          .
COM_REGENERATE_SETTYPES_40_BSP Post-Generation of Set Types for Release 4.0                          .
COM_SCE_EXAMPLE_DYNPRO         Interface IPC (Example: Discrete Screen)                              .
COM_SCE_EXAMPLE_HTML_CONTROL   Interface IPC (Example: External HTML Control)                        .
COM_SCE_EXAMPLE_SUBSCREEN      Interface IPC (Example: Subscreen)                                    .
COM_SETTYPE_ATTRIBUTE_20C      Transport Set Types                                                   .
COM_SETTYPE_ATTRIBUTE_40       Post-Generation of All User-Defined Set Types for Release 4.0         .
COM_SETTYPE_CHECK_RFC          Program COM_SETTYPE_CHECK_RFC                                         .
COM_SETTYPE_TRANSPORT          Transport Set Types                                                   .
COM_SET_BW_RELEVANCE_FLAGS     Program for Setting BW-Relevant Flag for Set Types                    .
COM_SE_BUSOBJ_CP_TEST          Program COM_SE_BUSOBJ_CP_TEST                                         .
COM_SE_BUSOBJ_FAST_UPD_TEST    Report COM_SE_BUSOBJ_FAST_UPD_TEST                                    .
COM_SE_CPOINTER_DELETE         Search Engine Service: Delete Change Pointer(s)                       .
COM_SE_CPOINTER_REACTIVATE     Search Engine Service: Reactivate Change Pointer(s)                   .
COM_SE_DELETE_FROM_INDEX       Search Engine Service: Delete Object from Index                       .
COM_SE_DISPATCHER              Search Engine Service: Indexing                                       .
COM_SE_SEARCH_ATTRIBUTES       Search Engine Service: Attribute List for 1 Business Object Type      .
COM_SE_SEARCH_IIF_TEST         Search Engine Service: Test Frame for Internal Search Interface       .
COM_SE_SEARCH_REL_TEST         Program COM_SE_SEARCH_REL_TEST                                        .
COM_SE_SEARCH_TEST             Search Engine Service: Overall Test Frame                             .
COM_TRANSPORT_TRESC            Program TRANSPORT_TRESC                                               .
CONFIG_RR_WEIGHT               Report CONFIG_RR_WEIGHT                                               .
CONTEXT5                       Contexts: Display Analysis                                            .
CONTEXT6                       Context Builder: Testing                                              .
CONTEXTE                       Context Builder: Editor                                               .
CONTEXTL                       Contexts: Linking fields                                              .
CONTEXTP                       Contexts: Component printing                                          .
CONTEXTR                       Contexts: Field reductions                                            .
CONTEXTV                       Contexts: Replace Version                                             .
CONTEXT_INTERNAL_INFOS         Contexts: Display                                                     .
CONTEXT_NETWORK                Contexts: Hierarchy, network                                          .
CONTROL_TEXTS_UPLOAD           Loading of the texts for the RFC client from  XL to SAP table         .
CONVERT_CALL_FUNCTION          Program CONVERT_CALL_FUNCTION                                         .
CONVERT_CALL_FUNCTION_A        Program CONVERT_CALL_FUNCTION                                         .
CONVERT_JOB_CONVERTER          Execute all conversions with an entry in table CONVERTER              .
CONVERT_STOCK_UNVAL_TO_VAL     Project Stock Conversion (DO NOT RELEASE)                             .
CONV_CONVERT_BOM_ASSEMBLY      Conversion of an assembly                                             .
CONV_CONVERT_DOCUMENT          Conversion of the original application file of a document             .
CONV_CONVERT_DOC_STRUCTURE     Conversion of a Document Structure                                    .
CONV_DISPLAY_APPL_LOGS         Display messages                                                      .
CONV_FREE_CONVERTER            Program CONV_FREE_CONVERTER                                           .
CON_ACC_CFICC_ARC_DELETE       Archive FIN Objects for Cost Centers: Delete Program                  .
CON_ACC_CFICC_ARC_WRITE        Archive FIN Objects for Cost Centers: Write Program                   .
CON_ACC_CFICR_ARC_DELETE       Archive FIN Objects for Cost Centers/Activity Types: Delete Program   .
CON_ACC_CFICR_ARC_WRITE        Archive FIN Objects for Cost Centers/Activity Types: Write Program    .
CON_ACC_CFIFA_ARC_DELETE       Archive FIN Objects for Assets: Delete Program                        .
CON_ACC_CFIFA_ARC_WRITE        Archive FIN Objects for Assets: Write Program                         .
CON_ACC_CFIOCONSI_ARC_DELETE   Archive FIN Objects for Consignment: Delete Program                   .
CON_ACC_CFIOCONSI_ARC_WRITE    Archive FIN Objects for Consignment: Write Program                    .
CON_ACC_CFIORGEN_ARC_DELETE    Archive FIN Objects for Internal Orders: Delete Program               .
CON_ACC_CFIORGEN_ARC_WRITE     Archive FIN Objects for Internal Orders: Write Program                .
CON_ACC_CFIORMNF_ARC_DELETE    Archive FIN Objects for Manufacturing Orders: Delete Program          .
CON_ACC_CFIORMNF_ARC_WRITE     Archive FIN Objects for Manufacturing Orders: Write Program           .
CON_ACC_CFIORMNT_ARC_DELETE    Archive FIN Objects for Maintenance Orders: Delete Program            .
CON_ACC_CFIORMNT_ARC_WRITE     Archive FIN Objects for Maintenance Orders: Write Program             .
CON_ACC_CFIORNTA_ARC_DELETE    Archive FIN Objects for Network Activities: Delete Program            .
CON_ACC_CFIORNTA_ARC_WRITE     Archive FIN Objects for Network Activities: Write Program             .
CON_ACC_CFIORNTW_ARC_DELETE    Archive FIN Objects for Networks: Delete Program                      .
CON_ACC_CFIORNTW_ARC_WRITE     Archive FIN Objects for Networks: Write Program                       .
CON_ACC_CFIORPURIT_ARC_DELETE  Archive FIN Objects for Purchase Orders: Delete Program               .
CON_ACC_CFIORPURIT_ARC_WRITE   Archive FIN Objects for Purchase Orders: Write Program                .
CON_ACC_CFIORQMM_ARC_DELETE    Archive FIN Objects for QM Orders: Delete Program                     .
CON_ACC_CFIORQMM_ARC_WRITE     Archive FIN Objects for QM Orders: Write Program                      .
CON_ACC_CFIORSRV_ARC_DELETE    Archive FIN Objects for Service Orders: Delete Program                .
CON_ACC_CFIORSRV_ARC_WRITE     Archive FIN Objects for Service Orders: Write Program                 .
CON_ACC_CFIORWBS_ARC_DELETE    Archive FIN Objects for WBS Elements: Delete Program                  .
CON_ACC_CFIORWBS_ARC_WRITE     Archive FIN Objects for WBS Elements: Write Program                   .
CON_ACC_CFIPV_ARC_DELETE       Archive FIN Objects for Materials: Delete Program                     .
CON_ACC_CFIPV_ARC_WRITE        Archive FIN Objects for Materials: Write Program                      .
CON_FIN_CHECK_ACT_COSTS_ORDERS Check Report Actual Costs/WIP for Mfg Orders in Inventory Accounting  .
CON_FIN_CHECK_BW_EXTRACTION    Program CON_FIN_CHECK_BW_EXTRACTION                                   .
CON_FIN_COMPARE_BALANCES       Reconciliation: Monthly Totals Inventory Ledger - Monthly Totals G/L  .
CON_FIN_COMPARE_DOCS           Reconciliation: Inventory Ledger Documents - General Ledger Documents .
CON_FIN_COMPARE_SETTLEMENT     Reconciliation: Settlement Documents - Settlement Credits             .
CON_FIN_CONF_AFTER_LANGU_ACT   Text Activation for Financials                                        .
CON_FIN_FI_DOC_ON_INV_ACCT     Documents on Inventory Ledger Accounts, Entered Directly in G/L       .
CON_FIN_PRICE_UPDATE           Price Update with Costing Run                                         .
CON_FIN_PRICE_UPDATE_2         Price Update with Material Selection                                  .
CON_FIN_WQ_CONTROL             Control of Work Queue                                                 .
CON_FIN_WQ_DISPLAY_DATA        Display Work Queues                                                   .
COOCMPICK                      Order Change Management: Confirm/Cancel Changes                       .
COOMDISPLAYPTEXTS              Display Planning Long Texts                                           .
COOMRESPUSER                   User Responsible Filled Automatically from Master Data                .
COPA_BAPI_TEST                 Test Program for CO-PA BAPIs                                          .
COPA_BATCH_LOG_SHOW            CO-PA Log Data Output                                                 .
COPA_COPY                      Copy CO-PA Transaction Data Between Operating Concerns                .
COPA_COPY_PLAN                 Copy CO-PA Plan Data Between Operating Concerns                       .
COPA_COPY_SEGMENTS             Copy Profitability Segment Numbers Between Operating Concerns         .
COPA_ERKRS_2_BUKRS             CO-PA: Structure of Company Code Line Items                           .
COPA_ERKRS_COPY                CO-PA: Copy Operating Concern                                         .
COPA_FILL_SALES_ITEM_TABLE     Program COPA_FILL_SALE_ITEM_TABLE                                     .
COPA_KEPM_SHOW                 Display Planning Levels, Packages                                     .
COPA_ORG_STRUCT                CO-PA Structure                                                       .
COPA_REVERSE_KE27              Reversal of KE27 Delta Line Items in Profitability Analysis           .
COPCOBJ_REORGCHECK             Check Whether Deletion Flag Can Be Set                                .
COPYMGD1                       Copy Standard Function Group SAPLMGD1/SAPLMGD2 for the Material Master.
COPYUSOB_C                     Copy Authorization Default Values for Services                        .
CORRECT_FUNC_TFDIR_FREEDATE    Report CORRECT_FUNC_TFDIR_FREEDATE                                    .
CORRECT_WIP_QUANTITIES         Check and Correct WIP Quantities                                      .
CORUAFFW                       Postprocessing of Error Records from Automatic Goods Movements        .
CORUAFFW_MAP                   MiniApp goods movements with errors                                   .
CORUAFW0                       Post Goods Movements From Confirmations Using Report                  .
CORUAFWP                       Post Goods Movements From Confirmations Using Report                  .
CORUAFWX                       Formation of AFWI Table from Successfully Posted AFFW Records         .
CORUCOFC                       Reprocessing of confirmations with errors in calc. of actual costs    .
CORUPRELIST                    Confirmation: Display requests                                        .
CORUPROC                       Process chain for confirmation, collective background processing      .
CORUPROC1                      Confirmation of request records                                       .
CORUPROZ                       Predefined confirmation processes                                     .
CORU_PHANT_REDUCT              Reduction of Planning for Multi-Level Planned Phantoms                .
COWORKDISPATCH                 Dispatching of functional requests                                    .
COWORKDISPATCHNEW              Dispatching of Function Requests                                      .
CO_ALEITEM_DEL                 Archiving of CO Line Items Distributed with ALE: Delete Program       .
CO_ALEITEM_WRI                 Archiving of CO Line Items Distributed with ALE: Write Program        .
CO_ASSIGN_AUTH_GROUP           Assignment of Set Authorization Group to CO Groups                    .
CO_CCMAST_DEL                  Archiving Cost Center Master Data: Delete Program                     .
CO_CCMAST_WRI                  Archiving Cost Center Master Data: Write Program                      .
CO_CUS_DISPLAY                 Selected Settings for CO Configuration and Data Analysis              .
CO_ECP_DEL                     Archive ECP Cost Estimates: Delete Program                            .
CO_ECP_WRI                     Archive ECP Cost Estimates: Write Program                             .
CO_ITEM_DEL                    Archive CO Line Items: Deletion Program                               .
CO_ITEM_WRI                    Archiving CO Line Items: Write Program                                .
CO_ML_VAPP                     Include CO_ML_VAPP                                                    .
CO_OCM_OBJECT_LISTH            Order change process - Initiating object                              .
CO_OCM_OBJECT_LISTH_MAP        MiniApp order change process - initiating object                      .
CO_OCM_ORDER_LIST              Order change process - Procurement elements                           .
CO_SSTRUC_CORR                 Correction program for allocation structure                           .
CO_SURCHARGE_RATES_ICD         Transport of Accrual Overhead Rates                                   .
CO_TOTAL_DEL                   Archiving CO Totals Records: Delete Program                           .
CO_TOTAL_WRI                   Archive CO Totals Records: Write Program                              .
CPE_ARC_PRICEQUOT_DELETE       Archiving price quotations: Deletion program                          .
CPE_ARC_PRICEQUOT_SAVE         Archiving price quotations: Write program                             .
CPE_BASIS_FM_TESTING           Report is only allowed to be used for SAP Service staff (CPE FM Tests).
CPE_DOC_FM_TESTING             Report to test the function modules under CPE_DOC                     .
CPE_RCOMMFOR                   Transfer of CPE Customizing Formulas                                  .
CPIPOSTA                       Repair Report to Restore Lost Status for Process Order                .
CPPEBAL_BALRELATIONS_PRINT     Output all Maintained Line Balance Relationships                      .
CPPEBAL_CHK_LBREL_OUTSIDE_LINE Line Balance Check                                                    .
CPPEBAL_CMP_TO_FLO             Component Assignment to Line Objects                                  .
CPPEBAL_CORRECT_LINEBAL_RELS   Consistency Check for Line Balance Relationships                      .
CPPEBAL_CORRECT_LINEBAL_RELS2  Report CPPEBAL_CORRECT_LINEBAL_RELS2                                  .
CPPEBAL_CORRECT_PLN            Program CPPEBAL_CORRECT_PLN                                           .
CPPEBAL_DOUBLE_ASSIGNMENTS     Determine Double Activity Assignment Within Line Balance              .
CP_OMC_TEST1                   Test Mass Change                                                      .
CP_OPR_MASS_CHANGE             Mass Change Work Center                                               .
CP_PRT_MASS_CHANGE             Mass Change: Production Resource/Tool                                 .
CP_REF_TSK_MASS_CHANGE         Mass Change: Reference Operation Set Reference                        .
CREATE_APAUSED                 CREATE_APAUSED Include                                                .
CREATE_FINSTA                  Program to Create a TXT-FINSTA                                        .
CREATE_FRZ_HIER                Creating Hierarchy for SAKB1                                          .
CREATE_PHON_STRING             Phonetic Search Term                                                  .
CREATE_PVS_ML                  Create Multi-Level PVS Example                                        .
CREATE_USELOG                  Interface Determination                                               .
CRIF_AR_DUE_ITEMS              MiniApp FI-AR: Overdue Receivables                                    .
CRIF_GL_BLNCE                  G/L Balances: MiniApp Adapter                                         .
CRIF_SCHEDULE_MANAGER_STAT     Main program for Schedule Manager MiniApp                             .
CRITERIA_MANAGER               Criteria Management                                                   .
CRM0_CHECK_MASSDATA_HANDLING   Check Whether Mass Data Handling Is Active                            .
CRMC_CATS_HR_REP               Change CATS Profile for CRM                                           .
CRMHRALE_DISPLAY               Display of Future Employee Data                                       .
CRMKEYRE                       Reorganization Report for Table CRMKEY                                .
CRMKEY_RED                     Reduction of the Table CRMKEY                                         .
CRM_BSP_APPL_DOWNLOAD          Program WT_BSP_APPL_DOWNLOAD                                          .
CRM_BSP_BLUEPRINT_COPY         Program CRM_BSP_BLUEPRINT_COPY                                        .
CRM_BSP_BLUEPRINT_MAINT        Program CRM_BSP_BLUEPRINT_MAINT                                       .
CRM_BSP_BLUEPRINT_XML_SERVICE  Blueprint XML Service                                                 .
CRM_BSP_CU_CHECK_INTEGRITY     CRM: Check Contents of Blueprint Tables                               .
CRM_BSP_CU_INIT_APPLSET_REL    Blueprint: Structure of Relational Tables for App. Set (INTERNAL)     .
CRM_BSP_CU_INIT_ENTITY_TABS    Blueprint: Structure Entity Tables from Relations (INTERN)            .
CRM_BSP_CU_INIT_STRUC_FLDGRP   Blueprint: Screen Structure Initialization in Field Grp Table (INTERN).
CRM_BSP_CU_VCLS_SHOW           Call View Cluster in Display Mode                                     .
CRM_BSP_CU_VIEW_SHOW           Call View in Display Mode                                             .
CRM_BSP_DELETE_QUERY           Copy Report: CRM_BSP_VARIANTS by CRM_BSP_QUERY                        .
CRM_BSP_FRAME_ANALYSE          Program CRM_BSP_FRAME_ANALYSE                                         .
CRM_BSP_FRAME_ANALYZE          Program CRM_BSP_FRAME_ANALYZE                                         .
CRM_BSP_LAYOUTC_GENERATE       Program CRM_BSP_LAYOUTC_GENERATE                                      .
CRM_BSP_LAYOUT_GENERATE        Program CRM_BSP_LAYOUT_GENERATE                                       .
CRM_BSP_STATE_ERASE            CRM PCUI Application State Eraser                                     .
CRM_BSP_USABILITY_CHECK        Program ZCRM_BSP_USABILITY_CHECK                                      .
CRM_BSP_VARIANTS_TO_QUERY      Copy Report: CRM_BSP_VARIANTS by CRM_BSP_QUERY                        .
CRM_BSP_VARIANT_DESCRIPTION    Maintain Search Query Descriptions                                    .
CRM_CHECK_APP                  Check for Exchage Format for Business Hours                           .
CRM_EXTRACT_INDIV_PRODUCTS     Activate Change Pointers                                              .
CRM_GENIL_CUST_COPY2           Report CRM_GENIL_CUST_COPY2                                           .
CRM_ICI_TRACE_DELETE           ICI/BCB Trace Deletion                                                .
CRM_PRDXI_PRODREL_SEND         Internal use only: Direct XI outbound of product / product relations  .
CRM_ROLE_CHECK                 Program CRM_ROLE_CHECK                                                .
CRM_ROLE_COPIER                Role Copier Tool (Maintenance of CRMC_PRT_ROLE_MO)                    .
CRM_ROLE_MAPPINGS_ADDER        Report CRM_ROLE_MAPPINGS_ADDER                                        .
CRM_SAF_CLUSTERING             EI: Triggering clustering service for a knowledge base                .
CRM_SAF_COMPILATION_DELTA      EI: Delta compilation for a knowledge base                            .
CRM_SAF_COMPILATION_FULL       EI: Full generation for a knowledge base                              .
CRM_SAF_DELETE_FULL_KB         SAF: Full deletion for a knowledge base                               .
CRM_SAF_GENERATION_FULL        SAF: Full generation for a knowledge base                             .
CRM_SAF_KB_TEST_GET_ATTRIBUTES SAF: Test retrieval of attributes                                     .
CRM_SAF_KB_TEST_GET_DETAILS    SAF: Test detail retrieval of a knowledge entity in different formats .
CRM_SAF_TOOL_CHECK             SAF: Report to run and schedule individual diagnosis check            .
CRM_SAF_TOOL_DEFINE_WP         SAF: Define work packages                                             .
CRM_SAF_TOOL_PROBE             SAF: Program to Probe, Diagnose, and Fix SAF Related Problems         .
CRM_SRV_RESERVATION            Mapping Report Between CRM Transaction and Reservations               .
CRM_TAX_CUST_VALIDATE_BP       Program CRM_TAX_CUST_VALIDATE_BP                                      .
CRM_URL_CONSISTENCY_CHECK      Report CRM_URL_CONSISTENCY_CHECK                                      .
CROSS_OBJ_PROT_EXAMPLE_ALL_IN1 Arch.Logs: Example of Cross-Archiving-Object and Parallelized Jobs    .
CROSS_OBJ_PROT_EXAMPLE_CHILD   Archiving Logs: Example Cross-Archiving-Object/Parallelized Jobs      .
CROSS_OBJ_PROT_EXAMPLE_FATHER  Archiving Flights: Write Program (Example ADK Archiving)              .
CRPCATT                        Test                                                                  .
CRSCNA01                       Correction Report for Price Conditions                                .
CRSCNN01                       Correction Report for Free Goods Conditions                           .
CRWB_DELETE_DISTR_BASELINES    Delete Distributed Baselines                                          .
CRWB_MULTIPLE_DISTORDERS       Program CRWB_MULTIPLE_DISTORDERS                                      .
CRWB_SCHEDULED_REPLICATION     CM: Create Several Baselines in the Background                        .
CSIM_TABLEFIELD_SELECT         Include CSIM_TABLEFIELD_SELECT                                        .
CSM_CEN_REQUEST_UPDATE         Request Update of Central Repository from Central Repository          .
CSM_CONTENT_TAB_CLEAN          Program CSM_TAB_CLEAN                                                 .
CSM_LOAD_LOCAL_SYSTEM_DATA     Adding System to Central System Management                            .
CSM_RECONCILE_REPOSITORIES     Program CSM_RECONCILE_REPOSITORIES                                    .
CSM_REG                        Adding System to Central System Management                            .
CSM_TAB_CONSISTENCY            Program CSM_TAB_CONSISTENCY                                           .
CSM_UPDATE_CEN_PARAMETERISABLE Program CSM_UPDATE_CEN                                                .
CS_RESET_CSXB_DATA             Reset all locked user data CSKB in the system                         .
CTBW_GEN_META                  Program CTBW_GEN_META                                                 .
CTMENU_BUILD                   Context Menu Demonstration: Constructing a Context Menu               .
CTMENU_DYNPRO                  Context Menu Demonstration: Programming for Screen Elements           .
CTS_ANALYSE_ORIGLANG_OF_TEXTS  Analyze Texts in Text Table                                           .
CTS_DTEL_CROSSREF_TEXTTABLES   Program CTS_DTEL_CROSSREF_TEXTTABLES                                  .
CUBE_SAMPLE_CREATE             Program CUBE_SAMPLE_CREATE                                            .
CURTO_CIF_CREATE_FOCUS_RTO     Transfer PP/DS PDS from Order/Work Breakdown Structure BOMs           .
CUSLNTRTO_CIF_MAST             Transfer of Production Data Structures (BOM Only) to SAP APO          .
CUSLNTRTO_CIF_REPORT           Transfer of Production Data Structures to SAP APO                     .
CUSTES10                       Check report: Find date fields in Customizing tables                  .
CUSTMON1                       Objects in Customer Namespace                                         .
CUST_API_TEST_PPF              tset                                                                  .
CUST_INCONSISTENCY_PPF         PPF: Removal of inconsistencies in Customizing                        .
CVI_ADJUST_ROLE_CUSTOMIZING    Convert Role Customizing For Customer/Vendor Integration              .
CVI_ANALYZE_CUST_TAX_NUMBERS   Analysis of Tax Numbers for Business Partner and Customer             .
CVI_ANALYZE_VEND_TAX_NUMBERS   Analysis of Tax Numbers for Business Partner and Vendor               .
CVI_MAPPING_BP_CUST_VEND       Program CVI_MAPPING_BP_CUST_VEND                                      .
CVI_MAPPING_CONTACTS           Synchronize Customizing for Contact Person Attributes                 .
CVI_MAPPING_LEGAL_FORM         Synchronize Customizing for Legal Form and Legal Status               .
CVI_MIGRATE_CUST_LINKS         Convert Assignment Table for Link Between Business Partner + Customer .
CVI_MIGRATE_VEND_LINKS         Convert Assignment Table for Link Between Business Partner + Vendor   .
CVI_SYNC_CUST_TAX_NUMBERS      Initial Synchronization of Tax Numbers for BP and Customer            .
CVI_SYNC_VEND_TAX_NUMBERS      Initial Synchronization of Tax Numbers for BP and Vendor              .
CY0TCY37                       Maintain "Period Split for Strategy" in Table TCY37                   .
CYAUFTR1                       Display Order Data                                                    .
CYDATTIM                       Conversion Date "-" Integer "-" Point in Time                         .
CY_DEL_SUB_PROFILE             Delete Subprofiles for List Profiles in Capacity Planning             .
*** End-of-List ***
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