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Condition-maintenance by simple flat-files

In sales-units condition-maintenance is a very important and always recurring task. Generally there are a lot of different key-combinations to maintaine for updating prices or bonuses or discounts. Btw this maintenance is not done automatically.
To define gross and net price, bonus and discount with or without scales mostly office-products are very helpful.
Btw you can use is the CATT-tool to create scenarios for every condition-key which finally create application-files for report RV14BTCI.
Some people struggle with VK11 or VK12 and their key-combinations. As soon as you believe report to be runnable, anybody added a new key-combination and the cross is at the wrong place.
Some people already detected transaction XK15.
But it can get much easier.

Our solution reduces condition-maintenance to 2 reports which have following funtionalities:

- Selective export of price-conditions of all conditions-keys of application "M" and "V" and data-download for keydate as TXT-File
- Import of adjusted or manual created price-conditions as map-base for XK15

Ex- and Import can be done by local as by server-files.

In total very easy and flexible!

The definition-technique allows comment-lines and -columns. Scales are only limited by physical line-size. The flat-file-template can be charged with all key-combinations. Report detects necessary condition-fields automatically. Run of program is done for 1 condition-table. All updates are down by classic and reliable map-technique or call-transaction for transaction XK15. Report serves conditions for application "V" as for "M" too.

Simply easy and user-friendly. What more could you want?

... the one who asks, leads!